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BarbWire: White House Needs An Exorcism After Gay Demon Infestation

Matt Barber’s BarbWire website posted a story on Monday by frequent contributor Julio Severo, who was alarmed by a “bisexual community briefing” at the White House last month and, in particular, the speech of a self-described bisexual Sioux man who began his presentation by calling on “the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, to guide our words and thoughts so that we can speak true and strong.”

In a column titled “Bisexual Indian Invokes Demons At White House,” Severo wrote that the man had invoked “homosexual spirits,” thereby infesting the White House with demons that can only be expelled by “people who know and use the authority of Jesus’ name.”

“A homosexual culture is a culture of demon possession,” he wrote. “Has the White House turned into a haunt of demons?”

An interaction between spirits of homosexuality and Indian religions is not uncommon. In Brazil, the most prominent homosexualists are adherents of African and Indian religions, very similar to voodoo. These religions embrace all forms of homosexuality as a gift from their “gods.” Such deities are considered demons in the Christian worldview.

In Christianity and Judaism, homosexuality is accepted only when there is apostasy in those religions. But in Indian religions, heavily affected by witchcraft, no apostasy is necessary for a homosexual presence in their practices, because homosexuality is active among their witchdoctors and other adherents.

A homosexual culture is a culture of demon possession.

Has the White House turned into a haunt of demons?

The first step for a “visitation” of such spirits is invocation — which was made at the White House. Homosexual spirits heard. Their presence is in the place where they were invoked, until their expelling, which can be done only by people who know and use the authority of Jesus’ name.

The Bisexual Community Briefing focused on “policy and cultural issues of significance for the American bisexual community.” Spirits focused on the invisible, lethal and destructive.