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BarbWire Pundit: Obama Will Create A 'North American Caliphate' As His 'Final Solution For The USA'

Citing a fabricated quote from “The Audacity of Hope,” which she claims may have actually been written by Bill Ayers, BarbWire columnist Sher Zieve writes today that President Obama is bent on “destroying the USA and replacing its legal citizens with Muslims and other illegals, in order to create a new country of his making.”

According to Zieve, Obama plans to flood the country with Muslim immigrants in order to build his own caliphate.

“Everything Obama and the Islamo-Nazi new world order is now doing is designed to implement the ‘Final Solution’ for the USA, … that of the North American Caliphate which Obama plans to head,” Zieve said.

Obama is destroying the USA and replacing its legal citizens with Muslims and other illegals, in order to create a new country of his making.. Logic requires rational reasoned thought…not emotion and false premises. Thus…I shall attempt to explain it to them for yet one more time. The rest of you—Conservatives specifically–understand perfectly well what’s going on.

Obama Syndicate: Christians are responsible for Islamic Violence and their own deaths! Although they haven’t said it–outright–yet, the Obama syndicate members seem poised to soon say that Christians are actually responsible for their own beheadings and burning of the adults and children..many of them infants. Obama recently said that Christians have done horrible things, too. But—and it’s a big one—he had to go back to the over-a-thousand-years-ago Crusades to make his case. The Crusades were in effect because barbaric and enslaving Islam had taken over Spain and other regions in Europe. In a nutshell, Islam hordes conquered and took Christendom lands, enslaved the people and stole their Holy sites. The Christians fought Islam to get them back. Christianity won. In Obama’s book “Audacity of Hope.” he (or possibly Bill Ayers) writes “…I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Everything Obama and the Islamo-Nazi new world order is now doing is designed to implement the “Final Solution” for the USA…that of the North American Caliphate which Obama plans to head. President Ronald Reagan’s “America a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere” will be destroyed and extinguished at last. As it is, the flicker of my home country is very dim now, indeed. As I’ve written before, my ancestral family members built the United States of America from the ground up and I have been witnessing its dismantling. Although I view Barack Hussein Obama as a loathsome creature, even more offensive are those who refused to lift a hand to stop him and those who affected the pretense of being of, for and by the people but, who willingly betrayed their fellow humans for the promise of power in this planned New Dark World and a few pieces of silver. And, to them, I say whether you choose to believe it or not truth is truth and our Creator God is watching. Even so, Lord, come soon…