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BarbWire: God Will Avenge The Rise Of LGBT Rights

While comparing conservatives’ opposition to LGBT equality and abortion rights to the struggles against slavery and tyranny, BarbWire content editor Gina Miller writes in a column today that “the dangerous political agenda of the tyrannical homosexual movement” represents “a full-frontal assault on Christianity itself, as well as our God-given freedoms and the very foundations of our constitutional Republic.”

She adds that while “God will avenge every wrong done by the Godless in this world,” right-wing activists should not “stand silently by in the face of evil done by our civil leaders.”

Miller has previously warned that “demonic” gay rights advocates want to murder Christians.

Yet how many Christians throughout history, inspired by the fire of God’s Word in their spirits, have stood firmly against evil actions by civil governments? Were they wrong? Was William Wilberforce wrong, as a member of the British Parliament and a Christian, to work to abolish slavery and to speak out against other societal ills, while advocating for God’s morality in the public square? Was Telemachus the monk wrong for standing against the barbaric Roman gladiator spectacles, for which he paid with his life? Were our Founding Fathers (most of whom were Bible-believing Christians) wrong for standing against the tyranny of King George, standing to the point of violent revolution, in establishing a nation by God’s grace? The list of Christians who have firmly engaged civil government with the powerful weapon of God’s truth is long and includes the apostles and Jesus Himself.

It would be hard to support the argument that Christians are wrong for opposing government actions that God calls evil. Abortion is murder. God calls us to defend the powerless among us. How can anyone justify standing by silently as millions of pre-born babies are slaughtered in the evil name of “choice”? Are the dear Christians, whose hearts are heavy with the burden of grief over this hell-born “woman’s right,” wrong to tirelessly spend countless hours in prayer and abortion mill sidewalk ministry to the women and girls who enter these dens of death?

Are Christians wrong for speaking out against the dangerous political agenda of the tyrannical homosexual movement? God calls the sin of homosexuality an abomination. This abominable sin is being used by our evil culture and political leaders as a “right” to wage a full-frontal assault on Christianity itself, as well as our God-given freedoms and the very foundations of our constitutional Republic—a Constitution and a Republic that is, next to the nation of Israel, the most God-blessed in human history.

Yes, God will avenge every wrong done by the Godless in this world, but I do not believe He desires us to stand silently by in the face of evil done by our civil leaders. Further, opposing this same evil is not “blasphemy” against the Lord nor apostasy against His Word.