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Bachmann Wins Dobson’s Heart, But Not his Endorsement

Today’s program on Family Talk concluded James Dobson’s interview with Michele Bachmann and her husband Marcus, who both lavished Dobson with praise and accolades. Dobson said they were “in sync on everything I’ve heard so far,” and Bachmann said it was because she “agrees” with everything she learned from him. David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network reports that Dobson is not planning to endorse Bachmann or any other candidate for that matter, but will “reach out to Iowa leaders on her behalf”:

Dobson told her afterwards that he plans to reach out to Iowa leaders on her behalf. Dr. Dobson is not planning on endorsing any candidate.

In addition to the private meeting with Dr. Dobson, Marcus and Michele Bachmann spoke to all of the staff and had lunch with him as well.

Beyond the meeting with Dobson, she also met with Jim Daly, president and chief executive officer of Focus on the Family, along with the department heads within the organization. According to the Bachmann campaign, they discussed the political dynamics of the presidential race as well as the state of politics in the country today. Bachmann did not go there seeking an endorsement but rather to listen to the top concerns from those within the important evangelical organization.

Surely, Dobson’s tacit support for Bachmann may come as a disappointment to Rick Perry, as Perry named Dobson co-chair of The Response and gave Dobson the honor of kicking-off the prayer rally. Dobson may be gun-shy about endorsing a candidate given the struggle he faced in 2008 when he only endorsed Mike Huckabee late in the game and he refused to support John McCain, at least until he put Sarah Palin on the ticket when Dobson changed his mind.

Bachmann and Dobson showered each other with admiration, with Dobson describing the Bachmann’s as “role models” and Bachmann calling the Focus on the Family founder “a legend in modern Christendom”:

Dobson: Well what a pleasure it’s been to talk to you all because we are in sync on everything I’ve heard so far.

Bachmann: Well because we agree with you!

Marcus Bachmann: We were mentored.

Dobson: Why do you think you’re here?

Bachmann: You really have lived a wonderful life Dr. Dobson, I have to tell you, you really have. You’ve given to all of us by your own example and by these shows over the years, you’ve given us a wonderful life. That’s not gratuitous, I’m just saying the legacy that you have left has been built into our life for thirty three years of marriage, it was built into our biological children’s lives, your legacy will be felt in our grandchildren so we want to thank you.

Dobson: That’s so nice of you. I have a very special relationship with the Lord, I steal his ideas and I get the credit for it, it really works well! It’s been great having you here, I appreciate it so much you taking the time to be here out of what has to be a horrendous schedule. We prayed before we started today and just asked the Lord not only to be here in this discussion and he has been; I’m aware of it, aren’t you?

Bachmann: Amen, there’s no question.

Dobson: And also to be with you as you go through this very challenging season of your life, it is a pleasure getting better acquainted with you and I’ll see you at the National Day of Prayer.

Bachmann: Yes you will, God bless you.

Dobson: Thank you Dr. Marcus Bachmann and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, you are the role models that we talked about earlier today.

Bachmann: You have been a legend in modern Christendom, we mean that sincerely, and we’re grateful to you for your living example.