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Bachmann: 'Treasonous' Obama Wants Iran To Have A Nuclear Bomb

In an appearance on The Lars Larson Show last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) claimed that President Obama wants to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Bachmann called Wendy Sherman, the State Department’s lead negotiator with Iran, a “terrible negotiator” and said “her goal is to make sure that Iran has full ability to continue to enrich uranium and continue to stockpile it, they will have the full ability to create a nuclear bomb.”

“For some unknown reason the Obama administration wants the last country in the world that should have a nuclear bomb to get one,” Bachmann said. “Call your member of Congress, tell them ‘I want you to stop President Obama from giving the ability to have a nuclear bomb to Iran and that’s the bottom line of what’s happening here.’”

“It is treasonous and I think that’s why you hear more and more people calling for the impeachment of the President of the United States,” she continued. This isn’t the first time Bachmann has floated Obama’s impeachment.

Bachmann also seemed to suggest that North Korea developed nuclear capabilities under Obama even though its first nuclear test was in 2006: “Why do they want to allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, just like they did with North Korea? The Obama administration and Wendy Sherman in particular will have to answer that, I can’t. I don’t understand them, I don’t understand the thoughts and intentions of their heart.”

“What I do understand is that my children and your children and the children of all of your listeners have the goal of making sure that when they tuck their children in tonight, their children are going to be peaceful and sleep secure, and we will not have that dynamic if Iran obtains a nuclear weapon,” Bachmann said.