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As 'Family Talk' Turns Two, Dobson's New Group Warns of Civilization's Imminent Collapse

Over two years ago James Dobson left the organization he founded and helped turn into a Religious Right powerhouse, Focus on the Family, to start a new radio program Family Talk after it became clear that Focus would not allow his son Ryan, who is divorced, to succeed him at the group. Now Family Talk features both Dobson’s flagship show, which he co-hosts with his son and LuAnne Crane, and another show hosted by his son, Grounded with Ryan Dobson.

Marking the two year anniversary of Family Talk, Dobson and the organization’s Board of Directors naturally used warnings of looming cultural catastrophe to request donations.

In a video released yesterday Dobson said that “the Judeo-Christian system of values upon which our country was built is being decimated day by day” as “the biblical truths about marriage, morality and childrearing are under attack by powerful forces throughout the popular culture.” He said that unless people “stem the tide of deception and apathy” then his grandchildren will be left with a “culture that is devoid of righteousness”:

Family Talk’s Board of Directors wrote to members that America’s “moral and spiritual crisis” now “that threatens the very foundation of Western Civilization,” asking them to donate to Family Talk or they may have to drop radio affiliates:

Just over two years ago, Dr. Dobson resigned from Focus and passed the leadership of that ministry to others. But Dr. Dobson is far from finished with his service to our Lord. We are grateful that Dr. Dobson wants to continue his work to strengthen families and our nation, and his message has never been more urgently needed than it is today! With this calling in mind, the ministry, Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk, was born.

As a directing Board, we are in full agreement with Dr. Dobson that the family is facing its watershed moment. America is experiencing a moral and spiritual crisis that threatens the very foundation of Western Civilization. The family is under attack as never before. Dr. Dobson's wisdom and insights are needed more now than ever before. The good news is that Family Talk is making a significant difference – standing firm on principles of Scripture and encouraging those who are fatigued, frustrated and fearful.

If we are unable to receive the needed support, we may have to reduce some of our radio stations. The battle is raging, and now is not the time to reduce our outreach. The Board is deeply committed financially, and Dr. Dobson has never taken a salary from Family Talk. Please consider how you might be able to join us today in carrying on this ministry to families.