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Anti-Choice Group Slams Hutchison For Missing Meaningless Cloture Vote

Anti-choice activists who have lined up behind Texas Gov. Rick Perry are attacking his primary opponent, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, for missing the cloture vote on David Hamilton's nomination to the Seventh Circuit:

In a new email to supporters, Texas Right to Life opens with a huge picture of pro-life leaders across the state meeting with Perry.

"Pro-lifers trust Gov. Rick Perry," the headline reads. "Senator Hutchison missed the chance to oppose the promotion of the most anti-life judge in the country."

The email refers to the cloture vote on President Barack Obama's nomination of pro-abortion federal judge David Hamilton to serve on a federal appeals court.


Texas Right to Life calls the missed vote on cloture "another example why we won't take the chance on human life with Senator Hutchison."

"Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison missed an important pro-life vote, her 24th miss this year," the group explains. "The U.S. Senate took a cloture vote on the nomination of Judge David Hamilton to the Seventh Court of Appeals, and Senator Hutchison missed the vote on this rabid pro-abortion activist nominee."

'She was in Houston raising money for her campaign for governor when we needed her to stand against judicial activism and to stand for Life during this vote," the group criticized.

The cloture vote failed by a margin of 70-29, so even if Hutchison had voted against it, it still would have lost by forty votes.