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American Decency Association: Marriage Equality Will Put Society 'On The Edge Of Destruction'

The right-wing American Decency Association is out with a new warning that marriage equality will pave the way for the legalization of “polygamy, pedophilia and bestiality” and contributes to a “societal erosion” that will result in an increase in gang membership and beliefs in “the lie of evolution.”

“As a nation we have grown in arrogance and pride, leaving God’s pattern for society – not just marriage – and substituting our own evil design for it. Do we think we can poke our finger in God’s eye without any repercussion?” the group asks. “Our nation, our society is on the edge of destruction; the walls are crumbling as those who see the danger shout out warnings.”

Remember when, as a kid, you’d build a wall with building blocks and then you or someone else would come along and knock it down? The one who knocked it down was usually laughing while the one who built it wasn’t very happy at all. Ah, those were the days.

God has built such a wall. Man has been tearing at this wall and laughing all the while; however, God is not amused. While people want to point fingers of blame in every direction we should stop long enough to recognize that perhaps the finger should really be pointing at us.

Society is made up of building blocks, the most basic of which is the family. God designed what that block should look like, one man and one woman in a covenantal relationship with Himself until death do they part. This is the fundamental building block of society and our nation. As we move away from God’s boundaries for marriage we are knocking down the wall of protection for society and are watching its demise.

Can I tell you that societal erosion started long before this homosexual movement? It started when we allowed “little” changes to the definition of marriage decades ago. When we refuse to honor all parts of God’s definition, why should any part be held as sacred? Remember God’s definition of marriage is this: one man and one woman in a covenantal relationship with God until death do they part. Society and the church started mutilating the definition of marriage by attacking its end, then disposed of the middle part as if irrelevant; so today we see the attack on marriage at its basic blocks, the beginning of God’s definition -- the man and the woman.

God is pushed further out of marriage and society. Schools and gangs became the most stable influences in many a young person’s life. The school indoctrinates on sexuality, false religions and societal norms. Television and its unbiblical influences mold minds of young and old alike until they come to the conclusion that there are no absolute truths - other than the lie of evolution which is taught as truth, and the definition of marriage (and many other words) doesn’t matter. As children watch adults move from one sexual relationship to another they themselves mimick [sic] parents and television believing that sex is free and for everyone with no negative consequence.

One man and one woman: This brings us to the beginning of God’s definition of marriage. Society and church has already removed God completely from the definition; so why should it matter? It matters because to add wrong upon wrong isn’t right. It matters because it’s unnatural and where will all the unnaturalness end? We’ve already seen people make stands for polygamy, pedophilia and bestiality. It’s wrong because we have current laws which are in accordance with the word of God and such laws need to be enforced. It’s wrong because the very fiber of our society is already being torn to shreds and it needs to be mended, not mutilated more.

It’s been wrong since the beginning of time and even from the beginning of this nation. Homosexuality (sodomy) was viewed by George Washington with “abhorrence and detestation.” Noah Webster defined “sodomy” as “a crime against nature.” (To see where other founding fathers stood on the issue click here.) As a nation we have grown in arrogance and pride, leaving God’s pattern for society –not just marriage- and substituting our own evil design for it. Do we think we can poke our finger in God’s eye without any repercussion? Our nation, our society is on the edge of destruction; the walls are crumbling as those who see the danger shout out warnings. These watchmen on the walls are called haters, judgmental, and labeled as “…phobes,” depending on which issue they take a stand for.