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American Decency Association: Marriage Equality Gains Mean 'We Could Be Watching The Fall Of A Nation'

The American Decency Association is adding its voice to the chorus of anti-gay activists angered by a federal judge’s ruling against Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage.

In a statement yesterday, the group said that the gay rights supporters are removing God’s blessing from America and bringing down the country through “lawlessness, which defies both republic [sic] and democratic rule.”

“As the delicate balance of powers tilt we could be watching the fall of a nation,” the group warns. “Lawlessness of the heart is what has led to lawlessness in the land.”

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The pledge has been recited countless times; yet, how many even know what a Republic is? Benjamin Franklin, upon being asked what kind of government we had after signing the Constitution replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Perhaps a simplistic definition of “Republic” and “Democracy” would be as follows: A Republic is representative government ruled by law (the Constitution). A democracy is direct government ruled by the majority (mob rule). A Republic recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs (the public good).

We’ve seen such lawlessness, which defies both republic [sic] and democratic rule rear its ugly head most recently in the marriage issue. When the Federal Attorney General strips away State sovereignty and the State Attorney General strips away the rights of the people with no repercussion, you are left with lawlessness. Judges are to rule BY the law, not throw off their black robes, and impose their own philosophies, personal preferences, cultural ties, or political agendas. When these things happen, you have lawlessness.

Recently in Virginia an Attorney General and an activist judge, appointed by President Obama, put their personal feelings and opinions above the marriage laws of Virginia that affirm marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In 2006 the people of Virginia, with a 57% vote, amended their constitution upholding natural marriage.

No matter which side you take, on any controversial issue, the lawlessness of our system should greatly bother you. It should raise your ire that our balanced powers are unbalanced and that the separation of the powers are not so separated. As the delicate balance of powers tilt we could be watching the fall of a nation.

Lawlessness of the heart is what has led to lawlessness in the land. It’s only God who can replace the lawless stony heart with a heart of flesh that loves Him and desires to do His will. It’s the grace filled heart that truly desires the best for every man, woman, and child. Instead of giving way to personal preference, we must once more give way to Biblical preference. If we desire to see our nation’s powers separated and balanced once more it must return to the foundation it has forsaken and the God whom it has ignored. Let us pray for God’s grace to transform the lawless heart into a grace-filled loving heart. Then as America blesses God, may God bless America again.