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Allen West: Liberals Removing Confederate Flags Just Like ISIS And The Taliban

Last week on “Sandy Rios in the Morning,” National Center for Policy Analysis president and former GOP congressman Allen West said that he supported South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s call to remove the Confederate flag from state capitol grounds. However, West denounced liberals who also called for the flag’s removal, joining Rios in comparing them to extremist groups like ISIS and the Taliban that have destroyed historical monuments.

“There is a seeming collusion between liberal progressive socialists and Islamofascists,” West said.

His proof?

That the magazine Rolling Stone used a photo of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its cover…for an article about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

West continued: “The left has to be held accountable for the things that they’re doing and their hypocrisy has to be brought out. The Taliban destroyed the shrines and the statues of Bamyan provinces; ISIS has gone around destroying the artifacts there and religious shrines and memorials in Mosul and also Palmyra; and now we have the left in the United States of America defacing memorials and part of our history. So there’s a very interesting, I don’t want to say commonality, but it is something to be said about how these individuals want to erase history.”