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Alex Jones: ‘The Boy Scouts Of America Is A Pedophile Induction Center’

Alex Jones, the rampant conspiracy theorist broadcasting via Infowars, said that the longstanding policy of making condoms available to attendees at the World Scouts Jamboree was proof that the Boys Scouts of America is a “pedophile induction center.”

For the last week, right-wing media have been fanning hysteria over the fact that condoms will be available at this year’s World Scout Jamboree, which is a policy the World Organization of the Scout Movement (not the Boy Scouts of America) decided in 2002. Today on Infowars, Jones took the manufactured outrage a step further.

Jones suggested changing the name of the organization to “Junior Swingers of America” and said that making condoms available at the event was “total cultural sabotage.”

“Handing condoms to 11-year-olds is pedophilia,” Jones said. “God, I mean, and where’s it go next? It goes into the abyss, with 5G giving us all cancer. Let’s just get off the road. Let’s get off this plane. Let’s get off this bus. Let’s go the other direction.”

He added, “This is massive pedophilia preparation. The Boy Scouts of America is a pedophile induction center, just like the Vatican, and they’re just mainlining it everywhere.”