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Alex Jones Says Roger Stone Contacted WikiLeaks at Jones’ Behest While Seeking Infowars Job

Roger Stone and Alex Jones appear together on air at Infowars in 2017. (Screenshot / Infowars)

Alex Jones, the founder of Infowars, said in a December episode of “The Alex Jones Show” that Roger Stone, a former Trump campaign adviser and longtime friend of President Donald Trump, had originally attempted contacting WikiLeaks as part of his audition for a job at Infowars.

Stone was arrested at his Florida home this morning following a grand jury indictment on one count of obstruction, one count of witness tampering, and five counts of providing false statements. The indictment states that Stone lied to prosecutors about his communications with Trump campaign officials regarding the release of John Podesta’s hacked emails by WikiLeaks during the summer before the 2016 election.

Jones hosted Stone on the Christmas Eve edition of his show last year to comment on his entanglement in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into  Russian interference in the 2016 election. During Stone’s appearance, Jones recounted Stone asking him for a job at Infowars (which he would later receive) after he was banned from Fox News in 2016. Jones said on air that during that conversation, he asked Stone to get him in touch with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

“I said, ‘You know, Roger, you’re a good guy on the show and I promote your website and I sell your book—and that’s good; I don’t have a lot of extra money laying around—but I said, ‘If you can get me Julian Assange, because you’ve been talking about your intermediary … and you go, ‘Well, I’ll try. I know this talk show host that knows him,” Jones said. “I mean, I’m not trying to [be], like, ‘oh, you want this job from me'—it’s just the story of what happened.”

h/t Dakota Schmidt & Knowledge Fight