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Alex Jones Marks Bundy Ranch Anniversary With False Flag Attack Conspiracy Theory

This weekend marked the first anniversary of the Bureau of Land Management’s decision to pull out of the tense armed standoff with militia groups at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada, which Bundy celebrated by holding a weekend-long party and Infowars host Alex Jones marked by spinning a conspiracy theory about government “false flag” attacks.

In a special segment marking the anniversary of the Bundy standoff, which centered around the rancher’s refusal to recognize court rulings which ordered him to pay grazing fees, Jones claimed that federal forces were ready to “massacre” the activists at the ranch but didn’t because “if they would have massacred the people out there, it would have caused a revolution from our angle, no amount of false flags would have won.”

Blaming the murder of two police officers by a couple who had spent time at the Bundy ranch on a governmentfalse flagoperation, Jones claimed that the government backed down in Nevada because they want to provoke a civil war by staging a false flag attack on a daycare center and blaming it on right-wing extremists.

“It came that moment of chicken, they backed down and it freaked the gangsters out like Harry Reid,” Jones said. “And they didn’t understand, when they blow up federal buildings and blame it on us or shoot a few cops and blame it on some loons that are upset with super hero stuff and into nihilism, we’re not going to buy you blaming us. We’re not here to be enslaved, we’re not here to be cannon fodder in your war, we don't want a physical war, but push comes to shove, it’s over.

“And if they would have massacred the people out there, it would have caused a revolution from our angle, no amount of false flags would have won. That’s why they don’t want to have the revolution there and backed off. They want to have false flags to say we launched the revolution by blowing up daycare centers — guaranteed they’ll pick a place with kids, theme park, you name it — they’re going to blame us.”