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Alex Jones Before Insurrection: Joe Biden Is a ‘Slave of Satan’ Who ‘Will Be Removed One Way or Another’

InfoWars' Alex Jones (Image from RSBN livestream of Jan. 5, 2021 rally at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C.)

InfoWars’ Alex Jones, a notorious conspiracy theorist who has been kicked off multiple platforms for his extremism, was welcomed onto the stage at a Dec. 12 “prayer rally” organized by religious-right supporters of former President Donald Trump’s effort to stay in power as well as a Jan. 5 rally in Washington, D.C., the day before the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Jones was in sync with the rallies’ themes of Christian nationalism and rebellion intertwined with the persona and presidency of Donald Trump.

At the Dec. 12 “prayer rally,” Jones said that God had raised up Trump and that Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and other “miserable globalists” are “slaves of Satan.” Jones said he didn’t know who would be going to White House in January, but he did know this: “Joe Biden is a globalist, and Joe Biden will be removed one way or another.”

At the Jan. 5 rally on the eve of the insurrection, Jones said that God had sent Donald Trump as a “deliverer.” He said the following day would be “Waterloo” for the “globalists” he said were behind the election fraud. He concluded by screaming, “The globalists are in fear! The globalists want to play God! They are not God! And the answer to their 1984 tyranny is 1776! 1776! 1776! 1776!”

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Jones had pledged $50,000 to support the Jan. 6 rally in Washington and helped arrange even bigger contributions. Jones has claimed that the Secret Service set him and Trump up to be blamed for the violence that immediately followed at the Capitol.

Here’s what Jones said at the Dec. 12 rally on the National Mall, which  organizers called “Let the Church ROAR!”:

Jesus Christ is king, not David Rockefeller, not Bill Gates, not Barack Obama, not Joe Biden, but Jesus Christ is king! And God gave us and rose up Donald Trump to stand against the enemy and draw out the enemy. So as dark as some of these days are, understand this is the beginning of the great revival before the Antichrist comes.

World government, implantable microchips, Satanism is out in the open. The Bible is fulfilled. Revelation is fulfilled. Jesus Christ is fulfilled. God Almighty is in charge. And we follow that mighty God!

You look at the miserable globalists. You look at people like Bill Gates, and you look at people like Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of them. They are miserable slaves of Satan.

And we certainly pray for President Donald John Trump in this incredibly serious moment. And we pray for all the women in America, who the system is trying to lie to, to kill their babies. And we say, “Don't kill your babies!”

The enemy has been forced out in the open. World government is here. And the system is publicly stealing this election from the biggest landslide and the biggest political realignment since 1776!

Our God is the God of the universe. Our God is the God of strength and honor and will, and God is in control, and God is on our side! So, we praise God, and we thank God, and we know that it's all in God's plan, and the Lord works in mysterious ways. Christ's crucifixion was not our defeat, it was our greatest victory! When he rose again, on the third day, he broke the chains of Hell and death. We have the deed to this planet. We have the deed to eternal life, and we praise Jesus Christ and the father!

The enemy wants to keep the whorehouses open and the liquor stores open and the Walmarts open and the Targets and the Amazons, while they tell you that churches are non-essential.

Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof. Meaning, our forebears did not have separation of church and state as they spin it. It means the state has no jurisdiction over any of us! Our relationship with God is sacred and is eternal. So, know whatever happens, we will never give up. We will never surrender. We will never back down to the satanic, pedophile, globalist New World Order and their walking dead, reanimated corpse Joe Biden. And we will never recognize him.

President Trump had zero connection to Russians. No proof, four years of investigation. With the Bidens, it's open and shut. So I don't know who's going to the White House in 38 days. But I sure know this: Joe Biden is a globalist and Joe Biden will be removed one way or another!

Our great first president, we literally are here on his farm, that’s where we’re at. George Washington didn't want to be king. And after he served two terms and set that precedent, he left. He was a very quiet man. He didn't talk about his beliefs, but he was a Christian. But those that knew him privately knew. He knew God controlled battlefields, God controlled governments, God controls the games. And all his success was because of his love of God and being in line with God.

So never forget: We worship the true God that created the universe and all of us. And the satanic globalists trying to take control of us and trying to play God are fallen and are failed, and we need to just keep our eyes on Christ and never back down and never surrender.

But pray for America, pray for the world. Pray for Trump, and realize you're not gonna get instant gratification. But with Trump, it’s as close as it got. Look how far we've come. Look at what we've been able to do. And this is just the beginning.

God ordained this republic to stand against the satanic empires, the Nazis, and the communists and others. And so 1776 is God's number of victory over the Satanic 1984. God bless you all. And I salute you. Thank you, Jesus.

Jones was back at the microphone on Jan. 5 talking about leading a fight against the globalists and the Chinese Communist Party and praising God for raising up “real men like Donald Trump”:

I'll tell you who I'm excited to hear, to see, it's you, the American people unified in resistance to the New World Order! We have only begun to resist the globalists. We have only begun our fight against their tyranny. They have tried to steal this election in front of everyone. And as I told them 20 years ago, I tell them again: I don't know how all this is gonna end, but if they want a fight, they better believe they got one!

Because there is a God that created the universe. And there is a God that inspired our republic. And there is a God in control of the affairs of humans, and that God will see us through if we are loyal.

But make no mistake, make no mistake, I'm like, being completely honest with you here. Things are gonna be rough. Things are gonna get bad in the future. We've already allowed the murder of 60 million babies in this country. We've done so many other evil things. So we're deep down in that water. We're hundreds of feet deep. It's gonna be hard to swim back to the surface. And not everybody is going to make it, but that's OK. Because in the end, God will fulfill his destiny and will reward the righteous.

When you see Nancy Pelosi, or you see Barack Obama, or you see that slave of Satan, Joe Biden, they want to bankrupt you. They want to dumb you down. They want to hurt your children because they're fallen. And because misery loves company.

We renounce Satan. We renounce the Democratic Party. We renounce abortion. We renounce the Communist Party of China. But more importantly, we embrace God and family and justice and strength.

Just as we see in the Bible and just as we see in history, God rises up men who are real—not men that are perfect, not men that are above reproach, but real men like President Trump, who has fought hard for our republic, who's fought hard for justice, who's done the best job he can.

And because he has represented us, he is under attack. So we hold up President Trump before the creator of the universe. And we say, “Thank you for trying to send us a deliverer, though he's unperfect as we are. But we pray for him. And we pray for America, and we hold him up in this hour of peril.” But regardless of what happens to President Trump or what happens to you, it's all in God's plan.

We have turned the tables against the satanists. We have turned the tables against the globalists. We have seen incredible victory in the last four years and a global awakening. God and his consciousness creates the ocean that creates the waves on which Donald Trump or an Alex Jones or you ride in on. But it’s God in control of human destiny. Not Bill Gates, not Warren Buffett, not Lord Rothschild, not the globalists. And it's that simple understanding that God of the universe is in control, not the globalists who want to play God. We recognize God, we connect with God, and we transcend the satanists by doing that.

Tomorrow is a great day. We don't quietly take the election fraud. We don't quietly take the scam and believe their BS. We've seen the evidence. The system has had to desperately engage in this gambit to maintain control. But this will be their Waterloo, this will be their destruction.

Whatever happens to President Trump in 15 days, he is still the elected president of this republic. And we do not recognize the Communist Chinese agent Joe Biden, or his controllers.

And America, and the world is watching everything you do, with the big tech censorship, and the economic attacks and the COVID lockdowns and the U.N. martial law. World government, foretold for thousands of years, is now upon us, and it’s pathetic! And it will be defeated!

Churchill gave a famous speech, where he said, “All I can promise you is blood and pain and war and suffering. But the alternative is even worse—total slavery.” So we don't care what the New World Order does. We commit to Christ, and we commit to war against the globalists with the truth, and we will never surrender!

Never, never, never, never feel alone. No matter if you're in a jail cell, or no matter if you're dying of cancer, or no matter if your car broke down in the middle of the desert, the God of the universe built you, and the God of the universe loves you, and the God of the universe will deliver and fulfill you, but you must have faith and open that channel.

And that's why in, closing, I'm so honored to be here tonight, with this amazing group of people, the most powerful speeches I've ever heard, because the Spirit of God is with us! The spirit of liberty is with us! And if God be with us, who can stand against us?

So I will tell you again, I trust in the plan of God. I trust in Jesus Christ. I trust in the narrow road, not the easy road. I trust in the great contest of liberty. I trust in my forebearers, and I trust in you created by God.

The globalists are in fear, the globalists want to play God, they are not God. And the answer to their 1984 tyranny is 1776! 1776! 1776! 1776!

At both rallies, Jones was joined by his sidekick, InfoWars host Owen Shroyer, who heralded Jones as the man who started the movement responsible for people in the streets on behalf of Trump. He, too, wrapped his messages in religious themes.

On Dec. 12, Shroyer said, “We have been betrayed by the Supreme Court. We have been betrayed by the Republican Party. We have been betrayed by the mainstream media. But we will not be betrayed by God.”

On Jan. 5, Shroyer called Jones the man “who was the genesis in many ways of this Second American Revolution,” adding that “a movement that started with one man in public access television will tomorrow turn into millions of Americans in the streets of Washington, D.C., to take our republic back.”

Shroyer also made comments that take on a particularly sinister tone given that the next day members of Congress were forced to hide in safe rooms while insurrectionists hunted them down:

Well, I can tell you that the evil occupiers of Washington, D.C., did not expect this. And I can tell you that they did everything within their power to stop this from happening. But yet here we are in the rain and the cold. So we salute you. And I can tell you something right now: President Trump is watching this, and he's very excited at what he sees. And he's gonna have some big announcements for us tomorrow. I believe.

Thomas Jefferson once said, when the government fears the people, there is freedom. But for too long now, the people have feared the government. Well, in January 2021, that changes. And I can tell you that the crooked politicians that occupy our Capitol are in fear right now. You know how I know this? Because they're scurrying around in secret tunnels to avoid we the people. Right now, as we speak, they're scurrying around like the little rats that they are to try to avoid you. Now, why would they be doing that? Because they know they're corrupt. They know they're criminals. But worst of all, they know that we know. And, and unfortunately for them, they're not winning right now. They may be cheating, but they’re not winning. They thought they could steal this election and get away with it. I anticipate there will be more than a million Trump voters in Washington, D.C.

Here are video excerpts from Jones and Shroyer:


Alex Jones at Dec. 12, 2021 Let the Church ROAR rally from Right Wing Watch on Vimeo.

Alex Jones at Jan. 5, 2021 Stop the Steal rally from Right Wing Watch on Vimeo.