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Alan Keyes: Impeach Obama For Ebola And 'Promoting Homosexuality'

Alan Keyes spoke yesterday with WorldNetDaily about his campaign to impeach President Obama, telling the right-wing outlet that his 2004 U.S. Senate opponent should be impeached because of Ebola, Benghazi, legal abortion and gay rights.

Keyes told WND that Obama is leveling a “malicious attack on the people of the United States” by exposing “the general population of our country to dreadful disease,” even going so far as to link the Ebola virus to the 2012 Benghazi attack.

After wondering if “we actually have people who are vested formally with the power of the executive branch of government who have been aiding and abetting open and declared enemies of the United States,” he called on Congress to investigate Obama administration officials for treason.

Keyes then warned that the White House is “forcing people to raise up their children in a way that promotes homosexuality, forcing people to use their money and time and labor in order to promote and approach to marriage that is contrary to the common good of all humanity” and “forcing people to accept as right the murder of posterity in the womb.”

Keyes also told WND’s Paul Bremmer that court rulings in favor of gay rights remind him of slavery and described Obama as a proponent of “communist socialism”:

“He is basically violating his sworn duty, which is to see that the laws are faithfully executed, and to uphold and preserve the Constitution of the United States.”

Second, Keyes said, Obama has abused the force of law by coercing people into violating their consciences. He specifically mentioned policies that force people to either accept or subsidize abortion, “gay marriage” and the homosexual lifestyle, saying such policies violate the First Amendment.

“When Obama gets out there and starts abusing, and others like him, they abuse the court system in order to force people to accept the view that something is right, when according to the laws of nature and of nature’s God it is self-evidently wrong. They are abusing conscience,” Keyes said.

He compared this abuse of conscience to slavery.

“When I read about the slavery of my ancestors, what touched me most and what seemed most horrific to me was not that somebody would force you to labor, not that somebody would force you with whips and stripes and things like this to do their bidding, but when their bidding absolutely contradicted your conscientious understanding of what God required. That they could force you to do evil. And that’s what’s happening in our country now,” Keyes said.

“He sees himself in the vanguard of the dialectic that is going to destroy and replace bourgeois, constitutional self-government based on rights and respect for the dignity of the human person,” Keyes said. “He’s going to replace that with his vision of the historical imperative of communist socialism, or whatever he’s about.”

“The facts suggest he is kind of brilliant,” Keyes said. “He’s a brilliant destroyer of everything American, of every right, of every liberty, of every constitutional premise of this country’s life. He’s brilliant at it, and we are now starting to look like stupid fools for letting him get away with it.”