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After Obama’s Re-Election, Religious Right Demands Repentance and Resistance

Dejected, downcast and angry, conservatives have begun attacking the media and other Christians for not signing on to the anti-Obama campaign, maintaining that Obama’s re-election proves that America is experiencing moral breakdown. Family Research Council head Tony Perkins told talk show host Janet Mefferd that the election results reveal “symptoms of a deeper moral and spiritual problem that we’re facing in our nation,” and beseeched Christians not to just “go on the mountaintop and just wait for the Rapture.”

We wrestle with these political issues but at the core our problems as a nation are not political, they are spiritual. These are symptoms of a deeper moral and spiritual problem that we are facing in our nation. So how do we go forward as Christians? I think there is going to be a temptation for some to go on the mountaintop and just wait for the Rapture, but that’s not in the instruction manual that God has given us.

Mefferd even claimed that she does not believe America will survive an Obama second term and feared that death panels will try to kill her when she is older.

When we made all those proclamations before this election that we can’t survive another four years, I don’t know about all the other people who were saying that, I actually meant it. Now whether or not I’m right about that remains to be seen, but I wasn’t one of those people who woke up this morning and said ‘you know at least I have my health.’ Where my thoughts go is: at least I have my health until the death panels tell me I can’t have the treatment I need in about twenty years when I need something substantive and they tell me I’m too old.

Mike Huckabee on Focus on the Family said conservatives experienced a “humiliating defeat” and must repent.

He also prayed for Christians to begin to change America and stop abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

We have the freedom to love it, we also have the freedom to criticize it and the freedom to change it, forgive us God for not accepting the responsibility that comes with that freedom and for so often just being critical without participating and trying to make it better. We know we have sinned against you as a country: we have done it in that way that we’ve shown contempt toward life that you created, we know we have done it in the manner in which we’ve defiled the sacred bonds of marriage so that it accurately pictures your relationship between Christ and the church. But we also know God that you love us, you are willing to forgive us if we are willing to repent, and we pray that this could lead us to a time of real repentance as a country.

Janet Porter of Faith 2 Action said “there must be repentance” for the “pro-family election disaster,” blaming the media and “disobedient” Christians who “have idols of race, party and entitlements.”

In the wake of what many would describe as a pro-family election disaster, the question, “What happened?”

My answer: 3D’s.

No. 1: Dereliction of duty of Christians who sat this election out or threw their votes away.

No. 2: Deception brought to you by the most biased mainstream media, complete with biased debate moderators and cover-up of the most important stories and the positions of those running.

The third D: Disobedience. Those who identify themselves as Christians have idols of race, party and entitlements. There must be repentance.

So, repent, rest, recover, but for our liberties and values to survive, this is not the time to retreat. Now is the time to advance.

Orson Scott Card, the author and National Organization for Marriage board member, lashed out at the media for covering up Obama’s lies and acting like Nazis!

Barack Obama is still a liar -- you didn't change that, you merely hid it.

Barack Obama is still the selfish, cowardly commander-in-chief who abandons American public servants -- you didn't change him, nor did you give him any reason to change.

If America had a Joseph Goebbels who would arrest any journalist who reported anything that would make the administration look bad, did you write or say or report anything during this election campaign that would have put you inside a jail cell?

Everybody at Fox News would have been jailed, and Fox News would have been shut down. But you already do everything you can to get people not to listen to Fox, so the actions of such a propaganda minister would merely make official what you already try to accomplish by other means.

Don't you dare say I'm lying or exaggerating, because the Democrats did try to shut down conservative talk radio, and you supported them in that effort, allowing them to get away with calling the proposed action "fairness."

You go along with the big lie every day. You did it obviously and openly in these last weeks before the election, allowing Barack Obama to conceal, cover up, lie -- all because, like good obedient party flacks, you knew that nothing was more important than keeping the Beloved Leader in power.

But far more likely is the other alternative -- that, faced with your monolithic groupthink, your insistent flacking for the Beloved Leader, your dishonesty that is equal to his dishonesty, your emulation of Pravda, the Republicans in Congress will give up, Fox News will drop the story, it will all go away, and the Beloved Leader will continue in power.

Then, when his appeasement of our enemies results in a nuclear explosion in Tel Aviv ... When more and more Al-Qaeda-style attacks kill more Jews and more Americans around the world ...

Just because brown-shirted thugs aren't beating your opponents in the streets doesn't mean you aren't every bit as much the enemies of democracy as any Nazi or Bolshevik ever was.

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel said that Christians under Obama will be living like under Nazi Germany and that, as a result of this election, America is on the brink of collapse now that “abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality carried the day.”

The event we have just witnessed was far more than a general election – it was a referendum on the soul of America. We grieve today like we have lost a friend or a close relative. Millions of Americans looked evil in the eye and adopted it. Some Christian observers called the Democratic Party platform for 2012 a “Romans 1 Platform,” and they were right. Abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality carried the day.

We might be a Bonhoeffer in Nazi Germany who never lived to see the fruit of his faithful labor. We might be a Wilberforce in England who saw the fruit of his labor (the abolition of slavery and reformation of morals), but died soon after, never getting the chance to enjoy the results. We might even be a David who stood up against popular opinion and defeated a giant who blasphemed God Almighty. No matter what our lot might be, we are called to be faithful!

We will no doubt see and feel the consequences of this election. More children will die. Marriage will come under greater attack. Immorality will be exalted. Sadly, the country could easily collapse under the weight of escalating economic debt. Islam will be emboldened. Our military will become weaker. Israel will not have as strong an ally as it needs at this critical time. The world will become a more dangerous place. These are all consequences that follow national actions like the ones we have just witnessed. But, when you are down, that is the time to fight all the harder!

Rick Green of WallBuilders blamed the education system for why America “knowingly embraced socialism,” and said that conservatives must channel the spirit of the American Revolution to resist Obama.

Half of the American voters that showed up to vote have knowingly embraced socialism. Does that mean they are evil? No, of course not. But it does mean they are wrong.

It means they are misinformed because our education system has for 60 years taught the “virtues” of socialism while tearing down capitalism and traditional values. We are simply living with the results.

The left wing understands that it takes decades and generations to move a culture. For 60 years, they have been actively engaged and focused on this fight for the soul of America.

The only logical explanation for half the nation holding out is that there were enough parents during the last three generations passing down liberty principles at home despite the cultural onslaught against them.

It’s EXACTLY like the Revolutionary Committees of Correspondence that started in 1764…eleven years before the Revolution actually began. Those were the seeds that bore the fruit of freedom nearly a full generation later. The British troops did not leave American soil for nearly 20 years after that handful of American patriots began their great work. It will be at least 20 years before we can fully turn the tide against socialism, but freedom for my kids and grandkids is worth it!

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC’s William Gheen urged Republicans to continue to oppose comprehensive immigration reform, even as they got trounced among Hispanic voters.

With the US House in the hands of Republicans, there is a chance that if we all work hard we can stop Obama from permanently empowering his illegal alien army as legal and illegal voters.

We expect Obama to follow a similar trajectory as Bush. Obama will push for mass amnesty for illegal aliens early in 2013 and by doing so his approval ratings will drop to historic lows just like Bush did when his approval dropped to around 20% making him the most unpopular President in modern American history.

We need to unite illegal immigration fighting groups with Tea Party groups, gun rights groups, and low tax groups immediately. We need to reach out to disaffected Democrats and Unaffiliated voters who will quickly sour on Obama early in his second term as Obama takes his nice guy mask off and the horns pop out.

UPDATE: The zealously anti-Obama pastor Rick Joyner in a new bulletin mourned that America is heading into a state of tyranny and may even dissolve into “separate nations.” He lamented that “the Republic cannot now long survive” and that Obama has already “fulfilled in many ways what the Scripture calls a wicked leader.” 

For about ten years, thinkers and writers in Russia have predicted the break up of the United States into four or more separate nations. At first I thought this was just sour grapes on their part because of the break up of the Soviet Union, but I also felt that there could be truth to this. I do not believe that it is absolutely determined, rather it is the direction we are now headed. As the saying goes, “If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed.”


Our Founding Fathers were just as afraid of the tyranny of the masses as they were the tyranny of the king. They had witnessed in the French Revolution what happened when the masses ruled, and they established in our Constitution firewalls against the tyranny on both sides. Both of these firewalls have been breached or torn down altogether now, and as the Founders warned, the Republic cannot now long survive.

Thomas Jefferson warned that the Republic could not last if the people learned that they could vote for themselves the resources of the national treasury. That was breeched a long time ago, and we are now at the point where the entitlement mentality it has created in the masses is about to destroy us. We were led down this road by both the Democrats and the Republicans. This is not sustainable, but one is not likely to get elected to office if they even talk about trying to correct this. We are now very close to collapsing the whole system. Then elections will no longer be held at all and we will face a terrible tyranny. We will first face the tyranny of the mob, and then we will face the tyranny of the tyrant.


Our Constitution is now hanging by a thread. With the Senate so solidly in the hands of liberals, we can expect activist judges to be appointed throughout the Federal Courts, and likely take control of the Supreme Court for decades to come. For a long time, the Constitution has just been ignored, but now it is under a systematic attack and may not last much longer.


To date, I believe that Obama has fulfilled in many ways what the Scripture calls a wicked leader. He has sided with and promoted what the Bible calls wickedness, while attacking what the Bible calls righteousness. Even so, I think at this time he is an accurate reflection of the heart of the nation that has been turning away from God since the 1960s. More firewalls of the righteousness that our nation has walked in were breeched in this last election. So let’s be praying for our President and the people to turn back to the Lord.

UPDATE II: Televangelist James Robison wondered if “a severe shaking and ultimate humiliation will be necessary” to make America repent for continuing to back Obama and his liberal policies.

I am still wondering if only a severe shaking and ultimate humiliation will be necessary before both the church and nation turn to God in genuine repentance. With God’s help and His grace, we must all be faithful witnesses and as ministers proclaim His word fearlessly and faithfully. We must continually offer hope and help to the downtrodden, overlooked, and often forgotten people here and around the world. We are commissioned by Christ to be salt and light, Spirit-filled witnesses, and makers of disciples among the nations.

Too many Americans have been trained to want someone other than God to care for them and consistently fail to truly love their neighbors as themselves. People are on the brink of trusting what the Old Testament prophets referred to as “the shadow of Egypt” (the ways of the world) and in another type of Pharaoh rather than in the shelter of the Almighty and as a result we are headed for bondage from which only God can deliver us. The Lord remains our hope.

UPDATE III: Not to be outdone, Franklin Graham is now predicting America’s destruction:

On the day of his father’s 94th birthday, and the day after the country re-elected President Barack Obama president, evangelist Franklin Graham gave two-pronged advice to the American people:

Politically, it’s time for the two parties to work more closely.

Yet spiritually, Tuesday’s results sent America further down a “path of destruction.”

“Unless we’re willing to repent for our sins, we will stand in his judgment,” Graham said Wednesday, shortly after leaving a birthday party for his father, evangelist Billy Graham, in Montreat.

“I want to warn America: God is coming around. He will judge sin, and it won’t be pretty.”

In particular, Graham was referring to the re-election of Obama, a man he has accused of “waving his fist before God” by supporting abortion rights and same-sex marriage. Voters in four states Tuesday either passed laws legalizing gay unions or blocked moves to further restrict it.