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AFA's Fischer Suddenly Discovers The Importance of The Separation of Church and State

The AFA's Bryan Fischer has made no secret of the fact that he does not like Muslims because, as he says, "devout Muslims simply cannot become good Americans."

Interestingly, Fischer's unrelenting hatred of Islam seems to suddenly be making him see the value of separation of church and state. In his latest post, he offers his comments on a WorldNetDaily article about a group of Muslims in Kansas who are requesting that city officials set apart a section of a city-owned cemetery strictly for Muslim use .. and Fischer is outraged by the idea that a religious group wants public officials to sanction their specific religious demands to the exclusion of others (Fischer's comments are in bold): 

A coalition of Muslim leaders in Garden City, Kan., has told city officials they want part of the public municipal cemetery to be set aside – with a fence or other marker – to be reserved for their use exclusively.

The key word here is "exclusively." Non-Muslims not allowed. In other words, they want city officials to participate in a blatant exercise in religious discrimination. You will note that they are aiming for sanctified property in a public cemetery, thus gaining official government recognition of Sharia law. Worrisome? Not unless you realize that Muslims will not be content to stop here. Their goal is to take over every cemetery in America and run them according to the dictates of Islam. Those who think this is hyperbolic exaggeration haven't been paying attention. The Muslim Brotherhood has made it quite plain that the goal is ultimate domination by Islam of every public institution in America. The time to stop the takeover is now.

Jim Hahn, the city's cemetery caretaker, said there used to be a number of divisions – for Catholics, Protestants and others – in the city facility, but those divisions have been removed.

"We try to accommodate everyone as best we can, and we're trying to get away from sectioning off sections of the cemetery to specific people," he told the newspaper. "The way I look at it, being a municipal cemetery, you want to stay as neutral as possible. There are a lot of different religions out there, and we try to accommodate them as best we can while fitting in with our rules and regulations."

Notice here the fundamental incompatibility of Islam with Western values, and with our national slogan, "E Pluribus Unum." While the city is moving in the direction of erasing religious distinctions in the cemetery, Muslims want to reinstitute them. They want to Balkanize American society. They want to go back to the days of segregation, which would represent a huge step backward for American society. If they are successful here, this will be but a beachhead for further and more aggressive attempts to impose Muslim concepts on compliant but misguided public officials.

But Mohamad Abdulkadir, a leader of the Somalians, told the newspaper two members of his ethnic community died in recent months and were taken to a Muslim cemetery in Wichita.

"If they deny our request, maybe we can buy some land, but we're waiting to see what (city officials) say," he told the paper.

This of course is their solution. If they want their own Muslim burial grounds in a Christian nation, then nobody is stopping them from buying a piece of property and turning it into the cemetery of their choice. What they should not expect is official governmental sanction for Sharia law.

This is qute a change from Fischer's speech last year at the Values Voter Summit when he declared that only Congress was restrained by the First Amendment's ban on the establishment of religion and that it was "constitutionally impossible ... for a city council ... to violate the First Amendment."

But that apparently only applies so long as the religion is question if Christianity.  If the religion seeking a form of establishment and sanction from elected officials is Islam, then it is an absolute outrage.