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Political Research Associates: Christian Nationalist Pastor Joel Webbon Says Women Should Not Be Allowed To Vote

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Article, written by Kyle Mantyla, regarding Christian Nationalist pastor who does not believe woman should be permitted to vote. Also references Svante Myrick's assertion that misogyny is central to the conservative agenda.

Political Research Associates featured an image of the article directly from Right Wing Watch site so RWW logo is included. PRA links to the RWW page with the full article.


Joel Webbon is a far-right Christian nationalist pastor who believes that the American people have become such “degenerates” that the Constitution is no longer adequate and therefore the nation must be governed by a Christian dictator who “just rules with an iron fist.”

The American people are too stupid and cowardly to rule themselves, Webbon believes, and thus must fall under the control of a Christian leader who “comes in with a sword” and forces everyone to, at the very least, “pretend to be Christian.” Under this Christian leader, Webbon says, the Constitution will be amended to include the Apostles’ Creed and abortion, pornography, no-fault divorce, in vitro fertilization, and birth control will be outlawed.


While Webbon’s views sound—and are—extreme, he is not the only far-right figure who has said the country would be better off if women were denied the right to vote. As People For the American Way President Svante Myrick noted in a recent op ed, misogyny is central to the conservative agenda, evidenced in legal and political attacks on access to contraception and abortion, and in efforts by Donald Trump’s Project 2025 supporters to use the power of the federal government to enforce their version of  a “biblical worldview” and “traditional” views of family, sexuality, and gender on the entire country.

Read the full article at Political Research Associates