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PFAW’s Latinos Vote!, Priorities USA Release Spanish-Language Anti-Trump Radio Ad in Nevada

Laura Epstein or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Following last night’s debate, People For the American Way (PFAW) in partnership with Priorities USA launched a Spanish-language radio ad today encouraging listeners to get out the vote against Donald Trump. The ad features a mother with sons in the military discussing how Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric affects her and why it's critical to defeat him this November.

"Disparaging immigrants, slinging insults based on a person’s race or ethnicity, goes against everything that our country stands for, yet that's what we're hearing from the Republican presidential nominee," said PFAW President Michael Keegan. "We released these ads to highlight both how harmful Trump's rhetoric is and how Latino voters in particular can ensure that his hate never reaches the White House."

"We know that the way Trump describes us – as rapists and criminals taking down the American economy – couldn't be further from the truth," said PFAW Director of Latinos Vote! Lizet Ocampo. "So we must stand up against Trump’s lies and hate by casting our votes against Donald Trump. Who wins Nevada could determine who wins the presidency, and Latino voters can and will decide who wins Nevada."

The ads are part of PFAW's Latinos Vote! program which works to expose and counter anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Previously this cycle in Nevada, PFAW launched the first anti-Trump Spanish-language TV ad, “Donald Trump’s Year of Hate.” The ads were announced during a press conference with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who Donald Trump called “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping,” and civil rights leader and PFAW board member Dolores Huerta. Huerta also joined Latino leaders and voters in Las Vegas to challenge the hateful agendas of Trump and the Republican Party. For more information about the Latinos Vote! program, please email [email protected].

Listen to the ad: 


Voiceover: Careliz has spent her life working hard, raising her kids right, to give them a shot at the American Dream.  She’s the proud mother of two sons who joined the U.S. military.

Careliz: I will never forget the day my sons came home wearing their uniforms.  They were so proud.  To be serving our country. To hear the things that Donald Trump says – it just disgusts me.

Trump:  “He’s a Mexican.  I’m building a wall.”

Trump:  “This is a country where we speak English – not Spanish.”

Careliz: My sons fight for our country.  And when Donald Trump says we don’t deserve to live here.  It’s just a slap in the face.   It disgusts me. He must never be President.

Voiceover: Together, we can stop Donald Trump.  We have a responsibility to vote.

For questions or to request an interview with a PFAW spokesperson, please email [email protected].
