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PFAW Releases New Spanish-Language Ad Challenging Deal and Perdue in Georgia

Press Release
Layne Amerikaner or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Today People For the American Way released its most recent Spanish-language TV ad highlighting the troubling records of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and GOP Senate candidate David Perdue on employment issues. The ad will air starting today in Atlanta. Two weeks ago, PFAW launched an ad challenging Deal and Perdue on their dangerous agendas on immigration, education, and the minimum wage.

“David Perdue says he’s proud of his record of outsourcing jobs, but firing thousands of workers is nothing to be proud of,” said Randy Borntrager, political director of People For the American Way. “Both Perdue and Deal have been on the wrong side of issues affecting working families across the state. We’re making sure Latino voters in Georgia know about the Republican candidates’ alarming right-wing records.”

The most recent census estimates show that people who identify as Hispanic or Latino now represent more than 9 percent of Georgia’s population. This growing community could very well play a major role in deciding who wins the state’s close elections.

This ad push is the latest step in People For the American Way’s multi-year, nationwide campaign to engage Latino voters in key states by shedding light on the agendas of GOP candidates on issues ranging from immigration to education to the environment. PFAW also recently began running Spanish-language ads in North Carolina and Colorado.

The script of the ad reads:

Sabemos lo que es ganarse la vida honradamente. Pero los republicanos tienen un concepto muy diferente.

David Perdue ha explotado y ha despedido a miles de trabajadores. Y que dijo al respecto? “I’m proud of it.”

Y gracias al gobernador Deal, Georgia tiene la tasa de desempleo mas alta del país.

Estos republicanos no comparten nuestros valores. Votemos contra ellos el 4 de noviembre.

VO Disclaimer:

People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.

English translation:

We know the value of hard work. But Republicans have a very different view of ‘hard work.’

David Perdue has exploited workers and fired thousands. And what did he say about that? “I’m proud of it.”

And thanks to Governor Deal, Georgia has the highest unemployment rate in the nation.

These Republicans don’t share our values. That’s why we must vote against the Republicans on November 4th!

VO Disclaimer:

People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising.
