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PFAW: On ACA Anniversary, Remember Senators' Votes for Anti-Health Care Judges

Joni Ernst is bad on health care
Press Release
Kawana Lloyd
People For the American Way
Phone number:

WASHINGTON, D.C.— On this tenth anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, People For the American Way is calling out Republicans senators who have voted to confirm Donald Trump's many anti-health care judges. At a time when the nation is gripped by a dangerous coronavirus pandemic, Republicans' ongoing efforts to destroy the ACA and other health safeguards -- including by confirming judges who can and will rule to undermine these protections -- are even more egregious and inexcusable. PFAW notes that Senators Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, Thom Tillis, Cory Gardner, Martha McSally and David Perdue have consistently voted to confirm anti-health care judges: see fact sheets here.

Also today, PFAW and Progress Iowa have released a new video documenting how Iowa's Ernst has voted to confirm judges with anti-ACA records, despite her past pledge to protect health care for people with preexisting conditions.

"As we observe the tenth anniversary of the ACA and the lifesaving care it has provided for millions, we are determined to hold Republican senators accountable for all the ways they are trying to destroy it," said PFAW Executive Vice President for Policy and Program Marge Baker. "One of the main ways they are trying to take away access to health care is by confirming federal judges who will rule against it. And unfortunately, they're succeeding -- the ACA is now in serious jeopardy in federal court, and Americans could be on the brink of losing vital coverage for their health, including preexisting conditions. We're calling on Republicans in the Senate to stop confirming anti-health care judges on the one hand, while claiming to be in favor of protecting our health on the other."

The script for the newly-released video is below:

Joni Ernst and Donald Trump are trying to destroy our health care. 

And Ernst is confirming extreme judicial nominees with the power to make that happen. 

Nominees who… 

Fought against protections for people with preexisting conditions.
Argued that Americans have NO RIGHT to health care.
And tried to make it harder for people to obtain birth control and other basic reproductive care.
Now those people are judges, and their bad decisions are stacking up.
They’re voting to strip protections for preexisting conditions.
Ruling to slash funding for reproductive care.
Even trying to deny disability benefits to cancer patients.
Bad judges make the rulings, but Joni Ernst is just as responsible as they are.
Tell Joni Ernst: stop destroying our health care. Stop confirming Trump judges.

About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunityLearn more: