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PFAW Launches “Trumpublicans” Campaign with Bilingual Radio Ads

Press Release
Laura Epstein or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Today, People For the American Way (PFAW) is launching its new campaign, “Trumpublicans: Reject Trump and the Republicans” / “Trumpublicanos: Rechaza a Trump y los Republicanos,” with radio ads, digital ads, and an event in Arizona with civil rights leader and PFAW board member Dolores Huerta. The campaign, aimed at Latino voters in Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida, emphasizes the importance of voting against Trump and Republican Senators standing with him.

“Donald Trump has made clear time and time again that he’s campaigning for the presidency on the backs of Latinos and immigrants. His hateful rhetoric began on Day One of his campaign, and we won’t let him take his bigotry to the White House,” said civil rights leader and PFAW board member Dolores Huerta. “But it’s not just Trump. Republicans – even those who at times have criticized him – are still voting for him and are still blockading President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee in the hopes that Donald Trump will fill the seat. At the ballot box, Latino voters will make our voices heard against the anti-immigrant, anti-Latino Donald Trump and the Republican Party by voting against them.”

“Republicans can’t have it both ways. We know that anyone who stands with Donald Trump stands against us,” said PFAW Director of Latinos Vote! Lizet Ocampo. “We’ve launched our ‘Trumpublicans’ campaign to hold Donald Trump and the Republicans responsible for demonizing our communities and standing against our priorities. They’ve failed us at every level, from blocking comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship to opposing raising the minimum wage to voting against efforts to make college more affordable.”

The bilingual radio ads began running this morning in North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona. Each features a child speaking in English and Spanish, asking her mother, who speaks in Spanish, if Trump will win the election. The mother emphasizes that through voting not just against Trump, but against Republicans down ballot, Trump and Republicans will lose. “We take a multigenerational approach in this innovative ad to reflect the times we live in. We see more and more families where older generations speak primarily Spanish to their children and grandchildren, who often speak both English and Spanish or Spanglish,” explains Ocampo. While the ads are similar in theme, each is locally tailored. Listen to the North Carolina ad.

Later today, civil rights leader and PFAW board member Dolores Huerta will join Latino leaders in Arizona to denounce Donald Trump and John McCain. Huerta will tell the story of how the Si Se Puede / Yes We Can chant started there with the organizing she and Cesar Chavez did with the United Farm Workers there. She'll address how Latino voters can again use their power, this time to decide the outcome of this November’s elections in Arizona.  You can also read her op-ed in the Arizona Capital Times published earlier this week, "Latino voters deciding the election? Si se puede!" To schedule a remote or in-person interview with Dolores Huerta, please email [email protected].

Listen to the NC radio ad:

Listen to the FL radio ad:



Child: I’m scared of Donald Trump, Mami. You're going to vote against him, right?
Mom: Sí, cómo no, mi'jita. No podemos dejar que gane.
Child: Es que - I see people who rally for him. What if he wins?
Mom: Si hacemos lo que tenemos que hacer – sacar a todos a votar – entonces Trump, [NC: el Senador Burr][FL: el Senador Rubio][AR: el Senador
McCain], y los republicanos pierden las elecciones.
Child: Los republicanos are the ones saying we’re criminals, and they don’t support making college more affordable, ¿verdad, mami?
Mom: Sí, y bloquearon las acciones de inmigración del Presidente, quieren quitar Obamacare…Y, para colmo, están en contra de aumentar el sueldo mínimo – mi sueldo.
Child: ¿Sabes qué Mami? I’m going to spread the word among everyone I know to go vote. I’m going to start with Papi, and tell him every vote makes a difference.
Mom: Así es, tenemos que echarle ganas. Sí se puede m’ijita!
Female Announcer: Este mensaje es pagado por People For the American Way,, y no está autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato. People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.

English translation:
Child: I’m scared of Donald Trump, Mom. Are you going to vote against him?
Mom: Of course, darling. We can't allow him to win.
Child: It's just that... I see people who rally for him. What if he wins?
Mom: No way. If we do what we have to – make sure everyone goes out and votes – Trump, [NC: Senator Burr][FL: Senator Rubio][AR: Senator McCain], and the Republicans lose the election.
Child: The Republicans are the ones saying we are criminals and they don’t support making college more affordable, right?
Mom: And they blocked the President’s immigration actions, want to take away Obamacare…and, to top it off, they are against increasing the minimum wage – my wage.
Child: You know something Mom? I'm going to spread the word among everyone I know to go vote. I'm going to start with Papi, and tell him every vote makes a difference.
Mom: That’s right, we have to make a good effort! Sí se puede!

Paid for by People For the American Way and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising.

In addition to the radio ads and the event, PFAW will  target Latino Twitter users through paid posts in Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida. Here are the graphics we'll be promoting in Arizona:


For questions about the campaign or to speak with Dolores Huerta or Lizet Ocampo, please email [email protected].

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy.
