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PFAW Latino Outreach Campaign Launches Arizona Bilingual Ads Focused on the Environment, Climate Change, and COVID

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People For The American Way
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Arizona Is Among Three States in Six-Figure Campaign;
AZ Ad Calls on Senator McSally to Support Health, Clean Air, and Clean Energy Jobs   

Washington, DC --  People For the American Way today announced a quarter-million-dollar radio and digital ad campaign in three states, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina, as part of its outreach to Latino communities.  The ads call on incumbent Senators Martha McSally (AZ), Cory Gardner (CO), and Thom Tillis (NC) to act to protect Latinos from COVID and climate change. Ads will air in English and Spanish on radio and digital platforms from August 28 through September 3. They will appear on 7 stations in Phoenix and 25 stations in the three states combined.   

The ad, “Bad Energy,” which translates into “Mala Energía,” connects Trump calling COVID a hoax, his denial of the science related to climate change, and his actions rolling back environmental and public health safeguards to Republican senators who stand by and let it happen. The ads call out senators for their lack of action, and urge them to support a COVID-19 relief bill that protects health, promotes clean air and supports clean energy jobs. 

The effort is a significant investment at a critical time, on an issue that polls high among Latino communities. The campaign will encompass a total of 6 radio spots and 6 digital ads on Facebook across the three states.

Listen to the radio ads here: Arizona: Spanish, English. Colorado: Spanish, English. North Carolina: Spanish, English.   

“Latinos play an absolutely critical  role in shaping the future of this country. But far too often, the engagement of these communities is limited or left until the last minute. That’s never been good enough, and it’s especially important that Latino communities hear from us early and often, not just about COVID and climate change but about holding their elected leaders accountable. We know Latinos are deeply concerned about the environment and are particularly impacted by the devastation of COVID, and this campaign addresses those concerns head-on,” said Ben Jealous, president of People For the American Way.

“Latino communities are disproportionately affected by issues of climate injustice, and Latinos are disproportionately impacted by the COVID crisis. But we have the power to do something about it; we have people power. We must continue to raise our voices about the issues we care about until our elected leaders not only hear us but listen and act,” said Dolores Huerta, activist, civil rights icon and member of People For the American Way Board of Directors.

“This campaign will allow us to reach Latinos with an important environmental and public health message in three states. Latinos want and deserve to know which of their elected representatives are standing up for the issues the care about most and which are not,” said Lizet Ocampo, PFAW political director.  


Arizona Script (English):


ANA: GABY! How’s your dad? 

GABY: He’s still in the hospital, and they won’t let us see him. His asthma puts him at a higher risk of getting severely ill from the coronavirus.

ANA: Oh, I am so sorry..

GABY: I’m furious. Donald Trump said COVID-19 was a hoax, and he failed to have a plan for this pandemic.  

ANA: Yes, he also denies the science that pollution contributes to climate change 

GABY: which makes the pandemic worse for people with respiratory diseases. 

ANA: Trump even rolled back one hundred environmental and public health safeguards. And Senator Martha McSally stood by and watched.

GABY: McSally needs to step up for families, for clean air, and for clean energy jobs

ANA: Before it’s too late!


CTA: Tell Martha McSally to support a COVID relief bill that protects our health, promotes cleaner air, and supports Arizona’s clean energy jobs.

Paid for by People For the American Way.


Arizona Script (Spanish): 

ANA: ¡GABY! ¿Y tu papá?

GABY: Sigue en el hospital y no nos dejan verlo. Su asma lo pone en mayor riesgo de enfermarse gravemente por el coronavirus.

ANA: Ay, lo siento.

GABY: Estoy furiosa. Donald Trump dijo que COVID-19 era una farsa y falló tener un plan para esta pandemia.

ANA: Si, también niega la ciencia que dice que la contaminación ambiental contribuye al cambio climático…

GABY:  …que empeora la pandemia para las personas con enfermedades respiratorias. 

ANA: Sabes, Trump anuló cien defensas ambientales y de salud pública. Y la senadora Martha McSally no hizo nada para oponerse.

GABY: McSally debería hacer más por nuestras familias, por el aire limpio, por trabajos de energía limpia.

ANA: ¡Antes de que sea demasiado tarde!

CTA: Dile a Martha McSally que apoye una ley de alivio de COVID que protege nuestra salud, promueve mantener nuestro aire más limpio, y apoya los trabajos de energía limpia en Arizona.

Pagado por People For the American Way.
