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PFAW Calls on WI Legislators, Governor to Return Funds Tied to ALEC

Press Release
Miranda Blue or Justin Greenberg
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Today, People For the American Way called on Governor Scott Walker, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and ALEC-member state legislators to return campaign contributions from ALEC-member corporations and renounce the organization’s extreme agenda.

“The ALEC agenda ignores the needs of everyday people,” said Michael Keegan, President of People For the American Way. “Policies that hurt working families, weaken public education and suppress citizens’ right to vote are not priorities for Wisconsinites. The fact that so many ALEC model bills are becoming law shows just how much influence corporations and special interests have over our legislators. It’s no wonder the public feels that their government has been hijacked.”

In Wisconsin, elected officials have taken more than a half million dollars in campaign contributions from corporations and individuals affiliated with ALEC. Records indicate that Governor Scott Walker, an ALEC alum, received $406,000 from 2008-2012. State legislators have also received a collective $276,000, as well the opportunity to attend corporate-funded conferences with their spouses and children in exotic locations. All four of the state legislators currently facing recall elections have received significant ALEC-connected funding: Senate President Scott Fitzgerald, Sen. Van Wangaard, Sen. Terry Moulton and Assembly Leader Jeff Fitzgerald have taken $14,870, $12,925, $9,475 and $21,424 respectively over the past three election cycles.

“Governor Walker and his allies have taken serious money from ALEC corporations. If they want to do right by their constituents, they should give it back,” continued Keegan. “Wisconsinites recognize that corporations shouldn’t be calling the shots in Madison. Elected officials should stop bankrolling their campaigns with funds tied to an organization that puts corporate profits above the people’s needs. The people deserve a government that isn’t beholden to special interests.”

An investigation by the Center for Media and Democracy released last week has revealed the pervasive extent of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s influence over Wisconsin Lawmakers.
