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PFAW Applauds Confirmation of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General

Press Release
Layne Amerikaner or Laura Epstein
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Delay Shows How Far GOP Will Go in Playing Politics Rather than Governing

WASHINGTON – Today, following a historically long wait for a Senate floor vote, Loretta Lynch was confirmed as the next U.S. Attorney General, becoming the first African American woman to hold that position.

People For the American Way Executive Vice President Marge Baker released the following statement:

“We are thrilled that Loretta Lynch, an eminently qualified and historic nominee, will now take her place in serving the country as the next attorney general. Ms. Lynch has been a leader in standing up against hate crimes, fighting public corruption, and defending civil rights.

“That Senate Republicans blocked a vote on her nomination for such an outrageous length of time and for no legitimate cause makes clear how far they are willing to go in putting politics above their responsibility to the American people.

“This absurd delay had nothing to do with her qualifications. At Ms. Lynch’s hearing, not even the Republicans’ own witnesses opposed her confirmation. The delay was simply about Senate Republicans throwing a wrench into the gears of our government in a misguided and reckless effort to pander to their far-right base. In the process, they gained widespread scorn for exposing their willingness to ignore the best interests of the country.” 
