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People For the American Way Statement on Hiring of David Bossie

Laura Epstein or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
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In response to Donald Trump hiring David Bossie as deputy campaign manager, People For the American Way (PFAW) Executive Vice President Marge Baker issued the following statement:

“During the primary, Trump railed against everything he’s now doing when it comes to money in politics: He has welcomed Super PACs and he’s actively courting special interests. To top it all off, he’s now hired an ardent foe of campaign finance regulation, the man who helped open the floodgates for unlimited corporate political spending as  the president of Citizens United.

“This is just the latest addition to the mountain of evidence that as president Donald Trump would give free reign to special interests and appoint Supreme Court justices who will protect the privileges of the wealthy and powerful, but not the rights of ordinary people.”

To schedule an interview with Marge Baker, please email [email protected].

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy.
