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People For the American Way Responds to Alito Display of White Christian Nationalist Flag

Press Release
People For the American Way
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Washington D.C. – Following reports that an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which is closely associated with not only the “Stop the Steal” election-denial movement but also the White Christian Nationalist movement, was flown at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s beach house, People For the American Way President Svante Myrick and People For’s Director of Right Wing Watch research Peter Montgomery released the following statements:

“It was bad enough that Justice Alito had an upside-down insurrectionist flag flying at his house in the days immediately following the insurrection,” said People For the American Way President Svante Myrick. “Now we know he has flown another flag carried by those who attacked the Capitol—and one with an even broader significance. The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag is not just an artifact of the Revolutionary War. It is a battle flag of White Christian nationalists who are waging war against the constitutional ideals of pluralism and equality. Justice Alito is far too smart to be unaware of this and it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise. This calls into question his ability to be impartial not just in cases related to the January 6 insurrection but on a range of other issues as well.”

“The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag is a call to spiritual and political warfare against the idea of secular government,” said Right Wing Watch Director Peter Montgomery. “It is a rallying point for those who believe Donald Trump was anointed by God and that his opponents are demonic. It was used to give a veneer of righteousness to Trump’s illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump’s Project 2025 allies are now scheming to use the power of the federal government to promote Christian nationalism. The Supreme Court’s right-wing majority has already undermined the separation of church and state. It is appalling to have a justice flying the banner of dominionists who believe our country was founded by and for Christians and is meant to be ruled only by Christians who share their religious and political worldview.”

People For the American Way has already called for Justice Alito to recuse himself from Supreme Court cases related to the January 6 insurrection, including the case questioning whether Donald Trump enjoys full presidential immunity for any attempts he made to overturn the election.


About People For the American Way     People For the American Way, a national progressive advocacy organization, inspires and mobilizes community and cultural leaders to advance Truth, Justice and the American Way. We convene courageous Americans, produce compelling media and organize campaigns to defend our democracy from authoritarian threats and advance America’s promise that everyone will enjoy freedom, safety and a vote that counts. Learn more: