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People For the American Way Launches Spanish Language Recall Radio Ad in WI

Press Release
Scott Foval
People For the American Way
Phone number:

MADISON, WI. – People For the American Way today began airing a hard-hitting radio ad in Wisconsin supporting the recall of Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and four sitting state senators. The ad, running on Spanish language radio stations in Milwaukee and Racine, is the first PFAW political ad of the 2012 election cycle. It features Voces De La Frontera Action Executive Director Christine Neumann-Ortiz calling on voters to support Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett for governor.

The ad urges Wisconsinites to stand up against the extremism of Governor Walker and his like-minded colleagues in the Senate. “Our community is under attack,” says Neumann-Ortiz in the ad. “Governor Scott Walker has declared war on Wisconsin’s working class families in favor of the rich,” and “takes away education rights from immigrant youth, opposes driver licenses for immigrants and has promised to sign an Arizona-style immigration law.” The ad calls on Wisconsinites to “do their civic duty and vote Tom Barrett for Governor” on June 5th.

PFAW, a national group protecting civil rights and civil liberties, and Voces De La Frontera Action, Wisconsin’s leading immigrant rights group, are members of the We Are Wisconsin coalition, which is working on efforts to get out the vote and defeat Scott Walker and the extreme right-wing members of the Wisconsin legislature. “Gov. Walker and his allies in the legislature have enacted the anti-worker, anti-immigrant, anti-student, anti-middle-class policies peddled by corporate front groups and the Koch Brothers,” said Randy Borntrager of People For the American Way. “Gov. Walker, Lt. Gov. Kleefisch and the four state senators facing recall have proven that they don’t have the people’s interests at heart. It’s time to send a message for all working people and show Walker and his allies the door.”

The ad will continue to run through the June 5 recall elections.
