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People For the America Way, Progress Iowa Blast Ernst on SCOTUS Nominee

An image of the facade of the Supreme Court Building taken from below.
Press Release
Press Department
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Washington, DC -- On a media call today, People For the American Way President Ben Jealous, Progress Iowa Executive Director Matt Sinovic, Iowa State Representative Liz Bennett, Cedar Rapids City Council Member Ashley Vanorny, and progressive activist Chelsea Chism-Vargas went after Sen. Joni Ernst for her planned support of an anti-health care SCOTUS nominee. Speakers advocated that in the midst of a pandemic, support for Trump’s nominee is an attack on Americans.

The call comes as People For the American Way continues their digital ad campaign designed to reach hundreds of thousands of Iowa voters. The second ad in the campaign focuses on the impact of Sen. Ernst’s support for an anti-health care SCOTUS nominee.

Watch the ad here:

“The threat is imminent: the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on a case to strike down protections for preexisting conditions this November, even as the coronavirus continues to ravage our country. In the midst of a pandemic, any senator who supports ramming through Trump’s newest anti-health care SCOTUS nominee doesn’t deserve to keep their job,” said Ben Jealous, People For the American Way President.

“This is an egregious example of misplaced priorities in Mitch McConnell’s Senate: in the midst of COVID, Republicans are finding the time and the 51 votes needed to put an anti-healthcare justice on the court, but can’t seem to find the votes or the time to pass meaningful COVID relief,” said Matt Sinovic, Progress Iowa Executive Director.

“This is a test for senators: will they stand with Mitch McConnell and special interests who want to push through a SCOTUS nomination that will end protections for preexisting conditions, or with their constituents who need health care?” said Liz Bennett, Iowa State Representative.

“The timing of this is unacceptable: We are in the heat of the 2020 elections; voting has already started. The American people understand that healthcare is on the ballot and that adding another ultraconservative Trump judge to the high court will end protections for preexisting conditions – they deserve to be heard,” said Ashley Vanorny, health care professional and Cedar Rapids City Council Member. 

“We don’t need to wait for the name of a nominee to know the threat. During his first run for election, Donald Trump made it clear that he was seeking Supreme Court nominees who would overturn health care and protections for preexisting conditions. Now more than ever, lives are on the line,” said Chelsea Chism-Vargas, sexual and reproductive health organizer.

About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity.  Learn more:
