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New PFAW Report: Trump’s Judges and the Plan to Destroy the Affordable Care Act

Press Release
Derrick Crowe
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Washington, D.C.—People For the American Way today released a new report revealing how the Trump Administration is using the president’s appointment powers to stack the federal judiciary with partisans who will dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

From the report:

“The connection between President Trump’s continued nominations of narrow-minded elitist judges and the GOP’s plan to destroy the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and jeopardize coverage for pre-existing conditions for millions of Americans is becoming all too evident. Many of Trump’s nominees have a history of opposing the ACA and could further jeopardize the law on the bench. As Americans go to the polls in November, this is yet another reason that it is crucial to prevent Republicans who rubber stamp Trump’s nominees from controlling the Senate.”

“At every step, Trump and the GOP have sabotaged the ACA and its protections for people with pre-existing conditions,” PFAW Executive Vice President Marge Baker said. “What we show in this report is how much Trump uses the courts to advance his attacks by working with the GOP-controlled Senate to pack the courts with people who have shown a deep hostility toward the ACA.”

The report reveals how many of Trump’s most controversial judicial nominees worked in a variety of capacities to undermine the ACA before being rewarded with lifetime judgeships by seeking to:

  • Undermine the authority of Congress;
  • Assault the regulations enacting the ACA; and
  • Use executive powers and agency action to attack the ACA’s coverage of pre-existing conditions

“The GOP will do anything—including packing the courts with judges and justices who can be relied on to overturn the ACA—to gut this legislation which provides access to health care for tens of millions of people,” Baker added.  “Voters must pull out all the stops in November to stop this attack on the ACA and on a fair and independent judiciary.”

Read the report online: