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New PFAW Latinos Vote! Ad Introduces Florida’s Latino Community to the Real Ron DeSantis

Press Release
Derrick Crowe
People For the American Way
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Washington, D.C.—People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program just released a hard-hitting, Spanish-language T.V. ad in media markets along Florida’s I-4 corridor, unmasking Ron DeSantis’s attacks on people with pre-existing conditions and communities of color. View the video online here.

“Ron DeSantis has run his campaign from the gutter from the beginning,” PFAW Political Director Lizet Ocampo said. “Attacks on people with pre-existing conditions and constant racist overtones are core features of his political career, and he’s brought them into this race with a vengeance. We’re drawing the line.”

Introducing Florida’s Latino Community to the Real Ron DeSantis

As shown in the ad, DeSantis voted to allow insurance companies to charge more for people with pre-existing conditions and then voted for the Trump health repeal bill. A recent NBC/Marist poll showed that health care was among the top three issues most important to Latino voters.

The same poll showed that 40 percent of Latinos had never heard of DeSantis, but among those who had, his net positive rating was a dismal 8 percent.

“We will make sure the Latino community knows exactly who Ron DeSantis is,” Ocampo added. “Florida needs a governor who will stand up to Trump, not promote his ugly attacks on the Latino community."

DeSantis’ campaign has been dogged with accusations of racism from the beginning, from the shocking images in his primary campaign ads of his teaching his toddler to “build the wall,” to saying Florida cannot afford to “monkey this up” in reference to his African-American opponent. The ad reminds viewers of DeSantis’ outrageous history and that he is happy to adopt Donald Trump’s vulgarity.

The Larger Context: Reaching Out to Latino Voters Nationwide

While news stories have repeatedly echoed the message that Democrats and progressive groups “have a Latino problem,” People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! project is mounting its most robust effort ever. PFAW’s Latinos Vote! program exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work, we hold groups, leaders and influencers accountable at the polls for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities.

Among other activities this year, PFAW board member Dolores Huerta has been barnstorming the country and will continue to do so in the final weeks of the election, and the group is running ads and working to turn out the Latino vote in key races across the country.

Full Text of Ad Script and Translation


En estas elecciones, ¿cuáles valores te representan? Los del republicano Ron DeSantis, que votó para eliminar cobertura médica? Que enseña a su hija a construir un muro para la frontera? Que dice cosas racistas? Que es como Trump? No.

El demócrata Andrew Gillum lucha por nosotros. Él nos traerá trabajos que pagan bien, mejor educación pública, y cobertura médica para todos. ¡Vota Andrew Gillum para gobernador! 

English Translation

In these elections, what values represent you? Those of Republican Ron DeSantis, who voted to eliminate healthcare coverage? Who teaches his small daughter to build a border wall? Who says racist things? Who is like Trump? No.

Democrat Andrew Gillum fights for us.  He’ll bring us good paying jobs, better public education, and healthcare for all. Vote Andrew Gillum for Governor.

View the video online.

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy. Learn more: