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New PFAW Latinos Vote! Ad in Virginia Aims to Flip Gen. Assembly

Press Release
Laurie Kinney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

WASHINGTON, D.C.— With just three weeks to go before Virginia's pivotal state legislative elections,  People For the American Way's Latinos Vote! program today released a Spanish-language radio ad urging Virginians to vote Democratic on November 5.  The upcoming elections have the potential to flip control of the state's General Assembly from Republican to Democratic, as both houses of the legislature now have one-seat Republican majorities.

"This year's state legislative elections in Virginia are among the most important in decades,"  said Lizet Ocampo, PFAW political director and director of Latinos Vote!  "Not only could the balance of power tip in the state, but Democratic victories will send a strong message about which way the voters are leaning as we head into 2020. And the Latinx vote will definitely have a significant impact."

The ad will run for three weeks until Election Day, on seven stations in three markets: Northern Virginia, Richmond, and Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads.  The ad cites the Trump administration's attacks on the Latinx community and reminds voters that control of the state House of Delegates was determined by one vote in 2017.

People For the American Way has run Spanish-language political ads in Virginia elections since 2012.  In the 2013 gubernatorial election, PFAW ads included the revelation that GOP nominee Ken Cuccinelli had compared immigrant families to rats.  The winner of that election, Gov. Terry McAuliffe, was helped to victory by a healthy majority of the Latinx vote.

In 2017, PFAW launched its Next Up Victory Fund and its endorsed candidates flipped eight seats in the state legislature.  This year, the Next Up Victory Fund has endorsed 40 candidates in Virginia.  This election will be critical as Republicans have one-seat majorities in each of the two houses of the state legislature, and Democrats are primed to flip both.

Full text of ad script and translation:

Spanish: (Spanish language audio file attached)

Nuestra comunidad está bajo ataque por Trump y los Republicanos con políticas y mensajes de odio.
Nosotros podemos proteger a nuestra comunidad ahora.
Este 5 de Noviembre, Virginia tiene una elección que determinará cuál partido controla la legislatura estatal - y todas las leyes del estado.
Votemos por los Demócratas quienes nos defienden y respetan.
Sabías que en las últimas elecciones la mayoría se decidió por un solo voto?
Tu voz tiene poder!
Únete a otras personas en nuestra comunidad y haz un plan para votar - por adelantado o este 5 de Noviembre.

Sí se puede!



Our community is under attack from Trump and the Republicans with policies and messages of hate.
We have the power to protect our community now.
This November 5th, Virginia has an election that will determine which party controls the state legislature - and all of the state’s laws.
Let’s vote for Democrats who defend and respect us.
Did you know that in the last elections majority control was determined by one vote?
Your voice has power!
Join others in your community and make a plan to vote - either early or on November 5th.
Yes we can!

Paid for by People For the American Way