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New PFAW and NextGen Climate Spanish-Language Ad Challenges Gardner in Colorado

Press Release
Layne Amerikaner or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

People For the American Way and NextGen Climate today released a new Spanish-language TV ad challenging Colorado Senate candidate Cory Gardner on his record of standing on the side of polluters and wealthy donors. The ad will air in Denver and Colorado Springs.

“Cory Gardner has made clear who he’s fighting for, and it sure isn’t Colorado families,” said Randy Borntrager, Political Director of People For the American Way. “From supporting those who want to pollute the environment to prioritizing the agendas of wealthy donors, Gardner has an alarming track record. Latino voters deserve to know what’s at stake here.”

“Congressman Gardner denies the basic science of climate change and would allow corporate polluters to continue putting Colorado’s families and communities at risk,” said Abby Leeper, NextGen Climate Colorado spokesperson. “His views run counter to the views of a majority of Coloradans, including those in our Latino communities. We need a leader who will act on climate change now—not deny the facts."

This ad push is the latest step in People For the American Way’s multi-year, nationwide campaign to engage Latino voters in key states by shedding light on the agendas of GOP candidates on issues ranging from immigration to education to the environment. NextGen Climate Colorado is working on the ground in Colorado’s communities to expose Gardner’s extreme positions on critical issues like climate change, and empower voters to hold him accountable at the ballot box.

The script of the TV ad reads:

El republicano Cory Gardner nos quiere engañar.

Dice que valora a nuestra comunidad, pero apoya a contaminadores que envenenan nuestro aire y el agua, contaminan nuestros vecindarios, y ponen en peligro la salud de nuestros hijos.

¿Valores? Por favor. La campaña de Gardner aceptó miles de dolares de republicanos ricos y solo hace lo mejor para ellos.

Pero, no nos engaña. ¡Por eso votaremos contra Cory Gardner!


People For the American Way y NextGen Climate Action Comite son responsables por el contenido de este anuncio.

English translation:

Republican Cory Gardner wants to deceive us.  

He says he values our community, but he supports polluters who poison our air and water, pollute our neighborhoods, and put our children’s health in danger.

Values? Please. Gardner's campaign accepted thousands of dollars from rich Republicans and he does what's best for them.

But, we aren’t fooled. That’s why we’re voting against Cory Gardner.

VO: People For the American Way and NextGen Climate Action Committee are responsible for the content of this advertising.

PFAW Political Director Randy Borntrager and PFAW Coordinator of Political Campaigns Carlos Sanchez are available for interviews with the press. To arrange an interview, please contact Layne Amerikaner at [email protected] / 202-467-4999.
