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New PFAW Ads Highlight Racist Attack on Virginia Candidate 

Press Release
Laurie Kinney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

WASHINGTON, D.C.— People For the American Way's Latinos Vote! program is launching digital ads this weekend decrying a racist attack on Del. Kelly Fowler, who is running for reelection in the Virginia House of Delegates' 21st District. In recent days Fowler's opponent sent out a direct mail piece picturing Fowler - who is of Mexican and Filipino descent - photoshopped into an image of heavily tattooed male gang members. An ad in English and Spanish will appear in Fowler's district, urging residents to vote for Fowler as a candidate who will protect and respect the Latinx community. Another ad in English and Spanish will appear in competitive districts across the state, for both the House and Senate, where the Latinx vote can decide the election or have a substantial impact on the outcome of the election. That ad will call for voters to elect Democrats on Nov. 5.

"We know that Republicans are getting desperate in these final days before the Virginia election, but this ad attacking Kelly Fowler really scraped the bottom of the barrel," said Lizet Ocampo, PFAW political director and director of its Latinos Vote! program. "This ad was so crude it would be laughable if it weren't also so deeply offensive. Virginia voters know bigotry when they see it and are not going to stand for this kind of attack, so if anything this grotesque ad against Fowler is going to backfire."

Full text and video of ads:

VOTE FOR FOWLER: (English) (video here:

In Virginia, Republicans sent this doctored and racist mailer against Democrat Kelly Fowler, a delegate in the state legislature – who is Latina.

Our community is under attack from Trump and the Republicans with policies and messages of hate.

We have the power to protect our community now. This November 5, Virginia has an election that will determine which party controls the state legislature – and all of the state’s laws.

In the last elections, majority control was determined by only one vote! Your voice has power!

Vote for Kelly Fowler, a Democrat who defends and respects us. Join others in your community and make a plan to vote on November 5!

Paid for by People For the American Way.

(Spanish) (video here:

En Virginia, los Republicanos enviaron por correo esta imagen alterada y racista en contra de Demócrata Kelly Fowler, una delegada en la legislatura estatal - quien es Latina.

Nuestra comunidad está bajo ataque por Trump y los Republicanos con políticas y mensajes de odio.

Nosotros podemos proteger a nuestra comunidad ahora. Este 5 de Noviembre, Virginia tiene una elección que determinará cuál partido controla la legislatura estatal – y todas las leyes del estado.

En las últimas elecciones, la mayoría se decidió por un solo voto! Tu voz tiene poder!

Votemos por Kelly Fowler, la Demócrata quien nos defiende y respetan. Únete a otras personas en nuestra comunidad y haz un plan para votar este 5 de Noviembre! 

Pagado por People For the American Way.

GENERAL: (English) (video here:

In Virginia, Republicans sent this doctored and racist mailer against a Latina delegate.

Our community is under attack from Trump and the Republicans with policies and messages of hate.

We have the power to protect our community now. This November 5, Virginia has an election that will determine which party controls the state legislature – and all of the state’s laws.

In the last elections, majority control was determined by only one vote! Your voice has power!

Let’s vote for Democrats who defend and respect us. Join others in your community and make a plan to vote on November 5!

Paid for by People For the American Way.

(Spanish) (video here:

En Virginia, los Republicanos enviaron por correo esta imagen alterada y racista en contra de una oficial Latina.

Nuestra comunidad está bajo ataque por Trump y los Republicanos con políticas y mensajes de odio.

Nosotros podemos proteger a nuestra comunidad ahora. Este 5 de Noviembre, Virginia tiene una elección que determinará cuál partido controla la legislatura estatal – y todas las leyes del estado.

En las últimas elecciones, la mayoría se decidió por un solo voto! Tu voz tiene poder!

Votemos por los Demócratas quienes nos defienden y respetan. Únete a otras personas en nuestra comunidad y haz un plan para votar – por adelantado o este 5 de Noviembre. 

Pagado por People For the American Way.

About Latinos Vote! 

PFAW’s Latinos Vote! program exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work, we hold groups, leaders and influencers accountable at the polls for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities.

About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. Learn more:
