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New Latinos Vote! World Cup Ad Slams GOP on Trump’s Child Prison Program

Two hands grip a chain link fence while other people are out of focus in the background.
Press Release
Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Washington, DC - This Saturday, during the World Cup match between Mexico and South Korea, People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program will release a new ad reminding voters about the Republican Party’s refusal to stand up to Trump’s horrifying attacks on immigrant families. The video features the now infamous image of a crying toddler in a pink sweater, a Honduran asylum seeker, along with audio of separated children crying for their parents while trapped in cages. The ad will premiere on English and Spanish language digital channels covering Saturday’s World Cup game, which will be a major event for the Latino community, especially the Mexican American community, and will continue during important games throughout the week. The ad will specifically target Latino voters in Arizona, Georgia and Nevada and in critical swing Congressional districts in Orange County CA, TX-23 and VA-10.

See the new ad in English here:

See the new ad in Spanish here:

“The Republican Party stood by silently when Trump demonized Latinos, when he called us rapists and animals. And now their silence has allowed more than 2,000 Latino children to be torn from their parents and put in cages. This ad presents voters across the U.S. with the raw, heartbreaking trauma children are facing as we speak. While millions of Americans and the Latino community in particular are heartbroken and in despair, there is something we can do to combat this terror: vote. Republicans are cowards in the shadow of a president pushing a white supremacist agenda. The only way to put a check on Trump’s horrific violence against Latinos and immigrants is to vote them out,” stated Lizet Ocampo, Political Director of People For the American Way.

Michael Keegan, President of People For the American Way, added, “The Republican Party is responsible for Donald Trump, and they are responsible for his shameful family separation and detention policies. The only way to stop Trump is to vote his enablers out of office in November.”

Latinos Vote! exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work and campaigns, Latinos Vote! holds politicians accountable for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities. In over six election cycles, PFAW’s Latinos Vote! has run bilingual paid and earned media campaigns in swing states and elections where the Latino vote can be decisive.

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy.
