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Khizr Khan & PFAW Foundation Leaders Denounce Trump’s Executive Actions Targeting Muslims, Immigrants

Press Release
Laura Epstein or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way Foundation
Phone number:

This week, President Donald Trump is announcing executive actions targeting Muslims and immigrants. Today he took actions to crack down on sanctuary cities and build a border wall, and soon he’s expected to cut off refugees temporarily (though perhaps indefinitely from Syria) and end visas from many Muslim-majority countries.

Khizr Khan, Gold Star Father and People For the American Way Foundation board member, stated:

“Donald Trump’s race to violate constitutional principles and fundamental American values by targeting Muslims and immigrants is of tremendous concern. His expected executive orders on refugees and visas are a disturbing first step toward banning Muslims from entering our country. Trump didn’t just threaten a Muslim ban, he promised this on the campaign trail, and it is incumbent on every single American to speak out against Trump’s actions today and every further step he and his administration may take to discriminate against Muslims.”

Michael Keegan, People For the American Way Foundation president, said:

“President Trump’s actions are a direct attack on immigrants and Muslims—making them a direct attack on the American Way. Trump is taking his first steps towards implementing mass deportation and a Muslim ban, and it couldn’t be more important for all to speak out now on how actions like these fly in the face of American values. Building a wall, discriminating based on religion—these efforts to divide Americans by preying on fears cannot be tolerated.”

Svante Myrick, mayor of Ithaca, NY and leader of PFAW Foundation’s Young Elected Officials (YEO) Network, added:

“As mayor of Ithaca—which for decades has benefited from being a sanctuary city—I am deeply concerned that President Trump is threatening the safety of our residents by targeting community trust policies and sanctuary cities. I’m proud to lead a city that stands up for the rights of all who live here. And there’s a groundswell of support among young elected officials across the country to reject any efforts by the Trump administration that would endanger our communities.”

Lizet Ocampo, People For the American Way Foundation spokesperson, said:

“Banning Muslims and creating a mass deportation force goes directly against our nation’s values, but that’s what President Trump would like to do. He’s proposing a border wall at a time when our border is more secure than ever, banning refugees when the U.S. already has one of the most intensive vetting processes, and threatening sanctuary cities that rely on community trust policies to protect immigrants and all area residents. Trump is not making America safer, he is turning his back on American values and engaging in ugly discrimination.”

People For the American Way Foundation is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy.
