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Isabel Allende, Rita Moreno, Judy Reyes, Dolores Huerta Join People For the American Way for Bilingual Get Out the Vote Robocall Campaign Targeting Newly Registered Voters

Laura Epstein or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Today, People For the American Way (PFAW) announced that tonight, newly registered voters in critical battleground states will receive bilingual robocalls urging them to vote from acclaimed author Isabel Allende, actress Rita Moreno, actress Judy Reyes, or civil rights leader Dolores Huerta. Latino voters who have registered as a Democrat or Independent since Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign will receive the call tonight. The calls into Pennsylvania are from Isabel Allende; calls into Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia and Colorado are from Dolores Huerta; calls into Nevada, North Carolina, Florida and Ohio are from Rita Moreno; and calls into Virginia are from  Judy Reyes.

“Latinos are on track this year to shatter voting records and cast the deciding ballots in the races for the White House and the Senate,” said PFAW Director of Latinos Vote! Lizet Ocampo. “These new robocalls remind listeners that we’re counting on everyone to get to the polls on or before November 8th to reject the hate of Donald Trump and the Republicans.”

“Donald Trump is fundamentally at odds with American and immigrant values,” said civil rights leader and PFAW board member Dolores Huerta. “Through our votes, we can reject him and the Republicans pushing his anti-immigrant, damaging agenda. Almost all of the Republicans seeking our votes for the Senate and House of Representatives stood by—and continue to stand by—Trump after his attacks on immigrants, Muslims, people with disabilities, and other Americans. But with Latino voters set to determine who wins the White House and who controls the Senate, our community has the powerful ability to reject Trump and the Republicans and instead cast our votes for those who stand against hate and with our communities.”

“Donald Trump is a racist who seeks to undermine American ideals and push dangerous policies. Latino voters must stop him and Republicans including Pat Toomey,” said Isabel Allende, whose calls will go to Pennsylvania voters tonight. “Trump and the Republicans stand against the policies and values that our communities stand for. From opposing comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship, to blocking increases to the minimum wage, to obstructing legislation to advance equal pay for equal work, the Republicans are united in their anti-Latino, anti-women, anti-worker agenda.”

The robocalls ask voters to go to the polls on or before November 8th, depending on if states have early vote or not. Script of the Pennsylvania call from Isabel Allende:

Hello, this is Isabel Allende. I’m calling on behalf of People For the American Way to remind you to vote on November 8th. Have you made a plan to vote yet? We need to make sure to vote against Trump and his hate. Your vote matters and your community is counting on you.

Esta llamada es para recordarle que vaya a votar por Hillary y contra Trump el 8 de noviembre. Su voto contra Trump es importante para nuestra comunidad y para detener a Trump.

For questions or to request an interview on this campaign, please email [email protected].

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy. PFAW’s Latinos Vote! program works to expose and counter anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies from Republican and far-right candidates, leaders, and elected officials.
