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In Virginia: People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! Program and Gubernatorial Candidate Terry McAuliffe Release Latest TV Ad in Six-Figure Media Buy

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People For the American Way
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Washington D.C./Richmond, Virginia — Today, People For the American Way, in partnership with the campaign for gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, announced the latest television ad in a six-figure statewide Spanish language media campaign in Virginia, focused on increasing Latino turnout in support of Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe in the state’s gubernatorial election.

The new ad features Virginia House of Delegates member Elizabeth Guzmán encouraging Virginians to make their voices heard by voting for Terry McAuliffe.

The ad is :30 seconds long, began airing on Spanish language TV stations all over Virginia on Oct. 19, and will run through Election Day on November 2. Virginians began voting on September 17 and can vote early through October 30.

This is the latest in a series of Spanish language TV and radio ads released by People For’s Latinos Vote! Program in partnership with the McAuliffe campaign.

Watch the latest ad here. Ad script is below.

Previous Virginia radio ads can be found here.

The previous Virginia TV ad can be found here.

“In just two weeks, this race will be over, and Virginians will have selected their new Governor,” said President of People For the American Way Ben Jealous. “During this final stretch, it is critical that we reach out to as many Virginians as possible to get out the vote for the candidate with a plan to keep moving Virginia forward, and that’s Terry McAuliffe. We’re so proud of the work we’re doing in this race and we look forward to celebrating with the McAuliffe team after their victory next month.”

“State and national elections in 2018 and 2020 showed us that candidates cannot underestimate the power of the Latino vote,” said People For Board Member and labor rights icon Dolores Huerta. “I’m so pleased to see the McAuliffe campaign is working with our Latinos Vote! Program at People For to talk about the issues that matter most for Latino voters. When Terry McAulliffe wins next month, it will serve as the latest reminder that engaging with Latino voters remains a crucial part of electoral success for Democrats.”

“We are less than two weeks away from election day and the future of Virginia is in our hands,” said Terry McAuliffe. “We can build a stronger economy that lifts everyone up, make health care more affordable and deliver a world-class education to every Virginia child, but that work begins with voting for Democrats up and down the ballot. I thank Delegate Guzman and the People For the American way for their continued support. Together we will keep Virginia open and welcoming to all.”

Ad Script in Spanish

Elizabeth Guzmán DTC/VO: Hola, soy Elizabeth Guzmán, su delegada estatal.

Tu voto por Terry McAuliffe para Gobernador es esencial. 

Terry trabajará para crear buenos empleos, subir el sueldo mínimo, y fortalecer nuestra economía. 

Podemos confiar en Terry para defender a nuestras familias...

Nuestra responsabilidad cívica es votar … ya sea por adelantado hasta el 30 de octubre, o el 2 de noviembre. 

¡Votemos ahora por el demócrata Terry McAuliffe!

AUDIO Disclaimer: Ben Jealous: People For the American Way pagó por este anuncio. 

English Translation:

Elizabeth Guzmán DTC/VO: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Guzmán, your State Delegate.

Your vote for Terry McAuliffe for Governor is essential.

Terry will work to create good jobs, raise the minimum wage, and strengthen our economy.

We can trust in Terry to defend our families... 

Our civic responsibility is to vote...whether it be voting early until October 30, or on November 2.

Let’s vote today for the Democrat Terry McAuliffe!

Disclaimer: Ben Jealous: People For the American Way paid for this ad 

About Latinos Vote

People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work and issue-based campaigns, we hold groups, leaders and influencers accountable for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities. For nearly ten years, we’ve run bilingual paid and earned media campaigns in swing states where the Latino vote can be decisive.

El programa Latinos Vote! de People For the American Way expone y combate la retórica y las políticas anti-inmigrantes y anti-latinos. Nuestro programa se organiza mediante trabajo electoral y campañas basadas en temas especificos. En estas areas hacemos responsables a los grupos, líderes y a personas de influencia por el daño que causan a las comunidades inmigrantes y latinas.

Por casi diez años,hemos realizado campañas pagadas y logrado campañas ganadas en medios bilingües destinadas a ganar en los estados claves donde el voto latino puede ser decisivo.

About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. Learn more: