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IN NORTH CAROLINA: People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! and Poder NC Announce New Spanish-Language Radio Ad

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CHARLOTTE, NC— Today, People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program and Poder NC announced a six figure Spanish-language statewide radio ad buy. The ad focuses on Donald Trump’s mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis and the impacts it’s had on the economy and jobs, especially in the Latino community.

Simply titled “Biden,” the 60 second ad began airing over the weekend in an effort to persuade North Carolina’s movable Latino voters to cast ballots for Joe Biden in a state that flipped from blue to red in the 2016 election. The ad will saturate the airwaves running through Election Day.

Listen to the ad here.

PFAW is one of the first organizations to invest in reaching out to Latino voters in Spanish in North Carolina several cycles ago and is one of the only groups investing in Spanish-language media across the state in 2020. This ad buy is the only one up on Spanish language radio for the Presidential election on the independent side.

There are an estimated 32 million eligible Latino voters nationwide and an estimated 338,000 eligible Latino voters in North Carolina, which represents 4.4 percent of the state’s electorate--enough to turn the tide in a state where in 2016, Trump won by less than 4 percentage points. This year Latino voters will be the largest racial or ethnic minority participating in a presidential election in the nation.

“Latinos are more motivated than ever to defeat Trump,” said People For the American Way board member, civil rights and labor leader Dolores Huerta. “Four years of racism, anti-Latino, anti-immigrant political agendas that fuel hatred for our families is enough. We are doing everything to make sure that Latino voters show our strength at the polls and show what happens when you reach out to Latino communities in North Carolina and across this country.”

"It is not enough to have someone to vote against. Latinx voters, like other voters, want to know what to vote for and the truth is that a vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for dignity, a vote for decency and respect," expressed Irene Godinez, Founder and Executive Director of Poder NC Action. "We have a young Latinx community in North Carolina and our young people age into the electorate every single day. It is in the best interest of our state to invest in the civic education of our growing Latinx community so that they remain enthusiastic about participating in our Democracy as they have demonstrated so far in 2020.

“Latino voters are critical in North Carolina if we want to win against Trump,” said President of People For the American Way Ben Jealous. “North Carolinians have watched for decades as the state has voted red. And Latino voters, who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, have had enough of Donald Trump, especially as he continues to mismanage the pandemic and cause more harm to Latino families who are struggling through this health and economic crisis. Latino North Carolinians have had enough."

“We can turn North Carolina back to blue if eligible Latino voters show up in record numbers at the ballot box,” said People For the American Way Political Director Lizet Ocampo. Latinos Vote! and People For the American Way are deeply committed to reaching out and engaging the Latino community across North Carolina because Latino voters can help decide this election.”



V1: Rocio! ¡Se llevaron a mi papá al hospital por el corona virus!

V2: Ay Elena…

V1: ¡Estoy furiosa! ¡Las decisiones de Trump en esta pandemia nos tienen hundidos! Sigue ignorando las recomendaciones de los expertos – como el Dr. Fauci. Hasta se burla de los que tienen el Covid – diciendo que no es nada grave!

V2: ¡Por eso tenemos que apoyar a Joe Biden para presidente! ¡Él sí escucha a los expertos!

Joe Biden fue el vicepresidente, sabe cómo manejar la respuesta del gobierno a esta crisis… Elena, Biden fue el líder que regreso nuestra economía de la recesión y también actuó para prevenir un desastre con Ebola.

V1: Ah si. Con Biden podemos abrir las escuelas, abrir la economía, y regresar a nuestros trabajos – sin arriesgar nuestras vidas.

V2: Y el quiere aumentar la ayuda del seguro médico.

V1: Tienes razón Rocio! Voy a rezar por mi papá y voy a votar por el demócrata Joe Biden para presidente!

Disclaimer: People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio. Pagado por People For the American Way independiente de cualquier candidato o comité de candidatos.


SL Radio :60

V1: Rocio! They took my dad to the hospital because of the corona virus!

V2: Oh, Elena!

V1: I’m furious! Trump’s decisions during this pandemic have put us in a terrible place! He keeps ignoring the experts’ recommendations - like Dr. Fauci’s. He even mocks those who have Covid by saying it’s nothing serious!

V2: That’s why we have to support Joe Biden for President! He does listen to the experts!

Joe Biden was Vice President, he knows how to manage the government’s response to this crisis…Elena, Biden was the leader that brought back our economy from the recession and also acted to prevent a disaster with Ebola.

V1: Ah yes. With Biden we can open schools, open the economy, and return to our jobs – without risking our lives.

V2: And he wants to increase financial help when it comes to health care.

V1: You’re right Rocio. I’m going to pray for my dad, and I’m going to vote for Democrat Joe Biden for president!

Disclaimer: People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising. Paid for by People For the American Way independent of any candidate or candidate committee. 


About Latinos Vote

People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work and issue-based campaigns, we hold groups, leaders and influencers accountable for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities. For nearly ten years, we’ve run bilingual paid and earned media campaigns in swing states where the Latino vote can be decisive.

El programa Latinos Vote! de People For the American Way expone y combate la retórica y las políticas anti-inmigrantes y anti-latinos. Nuestro programa se organiza mediante trabajo electoral y campañas basadas en temas especificos. En estas areas hacemos responsables a los grupos, líderes y a personas de influencia por el daño que causan a las comunidades inmigrantes y latinas. Por casi diez años, hemos realizado campañas pagadas y logrado campañas ganadas en medios bilingües destinadas a ganar en los estados claves donde el voto latino puede ser decisivo.

About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. Learn more: