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In North Carolina: New Spanish-Language Radio Ad Targets Latino Swing Voters, Calls Out Trump on Health & Climate

Kawana Lloyd
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Ad Contrasts Trump’s Record with Biden’s Climate Leadership 

Raleigh and Charlotte, N.C.— Beginning this Friday, July 31, through August 17, People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program and LCV Victory Fund will blanket the airwaves of top Spanish-language radio stations with an ad contrasting Donald Trump’s dangerous denial of the threats of climate change and coronavirus with Joe Biden’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of all communities.

The radio ad, “Hundidos,” which translates to “Drowning,” is the two groups’ first joint radio ad of 2020 and targets persuadable Latino voters who have identified climate change as a leading concern in determining their votes.

“This ad is so powerful. Latinos are some of the most ardent supporters of fighting climate change, are at the forefront of feeling the effects of the climate crisis, which also threatens our food supply, and are critically concerned about clean air and clean water for their children. And Latino families are especially feeling the devastation of this pandemic, from the hospitals as patients to the hotels as workers,” said People For the American Way board member, civil rights and labor leader Dolores Huerta. “These issues are at the heart of our community. Let’s talk to Latino voters! Let’s engage and express that with Joe Biden’s experience and leadership, we can address these crises, we can change this trajectory, and we can improve our lives, the lives of our children, and our communities. Si se puede!”

“The Latino community continuously suffers because of Trump’s disastrous decisions,” said People For the American Way Political Director Lizet Ocampo. “Trump ignores sound policy solutions from doctors, scientists and other experts on everything from the coronavirus to racial unrest to climate change -- all challenges that impact the health and safety of our communities. Latinos should vote for Joe Biden who manages crises with experience and true leadership and understands that climate solutions are inextricably linked to racial, economic, and social injustices, especially in the midst of a pandemic when our communities are being hit disproportionately hard.”

“When Trump refuses to listen to experts, prioritizes corporations over people, and denies the threat of climate change just like he denied the threat of the coronavirus, it’s Latinx families and communities of color who suffer the worst,” said LCV Victory Fund Campaigns Director Megan Jacobs. “We’ve seen the devastating consequences of four years of Donald Trump in the White House and know we can’t afford four more. We desperately need Joe Biden’s climate leadership in the White House.”

LCV Victory Fund’s research done in partnership with Hart Research’s Geoff Garin shows that swing voters, including undecided Latino voters, can be moved by messages about Trump’s environmental record and climate change. In fact, people of color in the U.S., including Hispanics/Latinos, African Americans, and other non-white racial/ethnic groups, are more concerned than the general population about climate change.

Listen to the ad, in Spanish, here:

peoplefor · Hundidos (Radio Ad)


The Spanish and English versions of the script for the newly-released video is below:



SOFIA: Estela! ¡Se llevaron a mi papá al hospital por el coronavirus!

ESTELA: ¡Ay no!

SOFIA: ¡Estoy furiosa! ¡Las decisiones de Trump en esta pandemia nos tienen hundidos! Sigue ignorando las recomendaciones de los expertos – como el Dr. Fauci. Y ha hecho lo mismo con el cambio climático.

ESTELA: ¡Sofi por eso tenemos que apoyar a Joe Biden! ¡Él sí escucha a los expertos! Quiere detener el cambio climático y además quiere duplicar los fondos para cuidar el agua y reducir la contaminación...

SOFÍA: ...¡y proteger nuestra salud!

ESTELA: Si! Y como Joe Biden fue el vicepresidente de Obama, sabe cómo manejar la respuesta del gobierno a la crisis de COVID… que es básico para abrir la economía y regresar a nuestros trabajos sin arriesgar nuestras vidas.

SOFÍA: Tienes razón Estela. Voy a rezar por mi papá y votar por Joe Biden.

DISCLAIMER 1: People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio. Pagado por People For the American Way, W W W punto P F A W punto org, y no autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de un candidato.

DISCLAIMER 2: LCV Victory Fund es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio. Pagado por LCV Victory Fund, W W W punto L C V victory fund punto org, y no autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de un candidato.


SOFÍA: Estela! They took my dad to the hospital because of the coronavirus!

ESTELA: Oh, no!

SOFÍA: I’m furious! Trump’s decisions during this pandemic have us sunk. He keeps ignoring the experts’ recommendations - like Dr. Fauci. And he’s done the same thing on climate change.

ESTELA: Look Sofia, that’s why we have to support Joe Biden. He does listen to the experts. He wants to stop climate change, and he also wants to double the funds to protect clean water and reduce pollution...

SOFÍA: ...and protect our health!

ESTELA: Yes! And since Joe Biden was Obama’s Vice President, he knows how to manage the government’s response to the COVID crisis… which is key to open the economy and return to our jobs without risking our lives.

SOFIA: You’re right Estela. I’m going to pray for my dad and vote for Joe Biden.

DISCLAIMER 1: People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising. Paid for by People For the American Way, W W W dot P F A W dot org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

DISCLAIMER 2: LCV Victory Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. Paid for by LCV Victory Fund, W W W dot L C V victory fund dot org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

About Latinos Vote

People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work and issue-based campaigns, we hold groups, leaders and influencers accountable for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities. Over six election cycles, we’ve run bilingual paid and earned media campaigns in swing states where the Latino vote can be decisive.

El programa Latinos Vote! de People For the American Way expone y combate la retórica y las políticas anti-inmigrantes y anti-latinos. Nuestro programa se organiza mediante trabajo electoral y campañas basadas en temas especificos. En estas areas hacemos responsables a los grupos, líderes y a personas de influencia por el daño que causan a las comunidades inmigrantes y latinas. Durante seis ciclos electorales, hemos realizado campañas pagadas y logrado campañas ganadas en medios bilingües destinadas a ganar en los estados claves donde el voto latino puede ser decisivo.

About LCV Victory Fund

LCV Victory Fund runs independent campaigns to influence competitive federal races where our involvement and issues can be decisive for pro-environment candidates who reflect the racial and gender diversity of our country. We have deep experience and expertise in delivering victory for candidates who will translate these wins into environmental policies that benefit people across the country, and these policies increasingly focus on communities of color and low-wealth communities who are impacted by environmental racism and injustice.

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