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In Iowa: People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! Announces Spanish-Language Radio Ad Buy

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Des Moines, Iowa— People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! Program announced a Spanish-language radio ad buy in Iowa, focused on Senator Joni Ernst’s failures, disastrous record on health care, the importance of protecting Iowans with pre-existing conditions and the call to vote her out in November.

“Seguro médico,” a 60 second ad, which began airing October 8th, is running across the state on Spanish-language radio stations including stations in Des Moines, Sioux City, and Cedar Rapids. People For's Latinos Vote! program was one of the first groups to air Spanish-language ads about Ernst's record.

The ads begin airing amid growing concern about the lack of outreach to Latino communities during this 2020 presidential election cycle. There are an estimated 32 million eligible Latino voters nationwide and an estimated 67,000 eligible Latino voters in Iowa, which represents 3 percent of all eligible voters in the state--enough to turn the tide in a state where polling suggests both Joni Ernst and Donald Trump are losing ground. This year Latino voters will be the largest racial or ethnic minority participating in a presidential election. Only 12.65 million Latino voters went to the polls in 2016.

“For nearly four years, Latinos in Iowa have watched Joni Ernst stand behind Donald Trump’s hateful, bigoted policies and rhetoric while simultaneously working to dismantle their health care,” said President of People For the American Way Ben Jealous. “Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, Joni Ernst has indicated she will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett, a notoriously anti-health care judge, to the Supreme Court. Enough is enough. These ads are a reminder of what another term with anti-health care, Trump-enabling Joni Ernst looks like.”

“Latinos in Iowa and across the country, who have felt a disproportionate impact from the coronavirus pandemic, count on their health care,” said People For the American Way board member, civil rights and labor leader Dolores Huerta. “Joni Ernst has worked with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, end protections for pre-existing conditions, and make it harder for Iowans to get the health care they need. It is time for her to go.”


PFAW IA SL Radio :60

“Seguro médico”



Pablo - I’m worried about dad’s healthcare insurance. He has pre-existing medical conditions and the Republicans don’t seem to care about covid! He’s not up to date with his medications and he could get ill with the virus! Little brother, we have to do something!


Raquel I know. Republican Senator Joni Ernst has failed us so much. She values money and her millionaire friends more than the community. She voted against people with pre-existing medical conditions … all to make more millionaire friends.


That’s why we have to vote for Teresa Greenfield because she will advocate/fight so that all of us have access to healthcare in order to have medical insurance for our families. Have some spirit little brother! To improve things, we must vote for Democrat Teresa Greenfield for the Senate!


People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising. Paid for by People For the American Way independent of any candidate or candidate committee. 



Ay Pablo - Me preocupa el seguro médico de papá. Tiene condiciones médicas preexistentes y a los republicanos parece no impórtarles lo del covid! No está al día con sus medicamentos y se pueda enfermar con el virus. Hermanito tenemos que hacer algo!


Lo sé Raquel. La Senadora republicana Joni Ernst nos ha fallado tanto. Ella valora más el dinero y sus amigos millonarios que a la comunidad. Ha votado en contra de personas con condiciones preexistentes médicas…todo para hacer más millonarios a sus amigos.


Es por eso tenemos que votar por la Teresita Greenfield, porque ella si va a luchar para que todos tengamos cuidado de salud accesible y podamos tener seguro médico para nuestras familias. Animo hermanito. Para mejorar las cosas, votemos por la demócrata Teresa Greenfied para el Senado!


People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio. Pagado por People For the American Way independiente de cualquier candidato o comité de candidatos.




About Latinos Vote

People For the American Way’s Latinos Vote! program exposes and counters anti-immigrant, anti-Latino rhetoric and policies. Through electoral work and issue-based campaigns, we hold groups, leaders and influencers accountable for the harm they do to immigrant and Latino communities. For nearly ten years, we’ve run bilingual paid and earned media campaigns in swing states where the Latino vote can be decisive.

El programa Latinos Vote! de People For the American Way expone y combate la retórica y las políticas anti-inmigrantes y anti-latinos. Nuestro programa se organiza mediante trabajo electoral y campañas basadas en temas especificos. En estas areas hacemos responsables a los grupos, líderes y a personas de influencia por el daño que causan a las comunidades inmigrantes y latinas. Por casi diez años, hemos realizado campañas pagadas y logrado campañas ganadas en medios bilingües destinadas a ganar en los estados claves donde el voto latino puede ser decisivo.

About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. Learn more: