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In Arizona: People For the American Way Launches Radio Ad Campaign Focused on Passing S.1, the For the People Act

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The ads encourage Arizonans to reach out to Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly to eliminate the filibuster and pass S. 1

PHOENIX & TUCSON —Today, People For the American Way announced the launch of a new radio ad campaign urging Arizona voters to tell Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly to pass S.1, the For the People Act and eliminate the filibuster if needed to do so. S.1 is the comprehensive voting rights legislation that ensures all Americans have equal access to the ballot, helps get big money out of politics, strengthens election security, and ends partisan gerrymandering.

The campaign features two radio ads that will begin airing on June 14 on Black and Spanish-language radio stations. One ad is narrated by People for the American Way President Ben Jealous and will run through June 23 in the Phoenix market, while the other ad is narrated by People For Board Member and legendary labor activist Dolores Huerta and will run through June 25, in the Phoenix and Tucson markets. An initial vote on the For the People Act is expected by the end of June.

Listen to the Ben Jealous ad here. Listen to the Dolores Huerta ad here.

“The For the People Act is the product of the hopes and dreams of more than 80 percent of the American people, and Senators need to do everything in their power to ensure this bill passes,” said People For President Ben Jealous. “Arizonans’ voting rights are under attack just like they are in 47 states across the country, so inaction is not an option. The Senate must pass the For the People Act so every American can have their voice heard in our democracy.”

“Right now, the voting rights of millions of Arizonans are at risk,” said People For Board Member Dolores Huerta. “During the presidential election, it was clear that when we work together and make our voices heard, we win. It’s no surprise that certain senators are trying to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The For the People Act is how we fight back against voter suppression efforts in Arizona and across the country, and we want the people of this state to understand this and make it clear to their senators that they must do everything in their power to pass this legislation, including eliminating the filibuster.”

“Our work in Arizona during the 2020 election helped secure an historic victory and turn the state blue for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” said People For Senior Director of Strategy Lizet Ocampo. “Black, Latino, and Indigenous voters were the key to that victory, and now their ability to access the ballot and fully participate in our democracy is being threatened. Passing the For the People Act is urgent and essential for America’s future. The Senate needs to get it done.”


S1 Ad in AZ - Ben Jealous Script.

Listen to the ad here.

Hi, I’m Ben Jealous, President of People For the American Way.

State legislatures across the country are attacking our voting rights – making it harder for Black folks, brown folks, and working folks of all colors to vote.

This is happening in Arizona. And we can do something about it.

State legislatures across the country are attacking our voting rights – making it harder for Black folks, brown folks, and working folks of all colors to vote.

This is happening in Arizona. And we can do something about it.

We can tell Congress to pass the historic For the People Act that protects our American right to vote and stops billionaires from buying elections.

There is nothing more important to the future of our democracy than passing this bill. Yet some senators in Washington are using a procedure called the filibuster to block its passage.

Arizona, please tell your senators, Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly, to do everything they can to pass the For The People Act, even if it means voting to eliminate the filibuster.

We urgently need the For the People Act to protect voters in Arizona and across the nation!

Paid for by People For the American Way

S1 Ad in AZ - Dolores Huerta Script

Listen to the Dolores Huerta ad here.

Hola, soy Dolores Huerta.

A través de todo el país, y en Arizona, legisladores estatales están pasando leyes para dificultar el acceso al voto.

El Congreso federal puede aprobar un proyecto de ley llamado “For the People Act” o La Ley Para el Pueblo que protege el voto y impide que los multimillonarios compren elecciones.

Algunos senadores en Washington están usando un proceso llamado el “Filibuster” para bloquear la aprobación de esta ley.

Tienen que votar par quitar el mentado “Filibuster” para poder pasar La Ley Para el Pueblo.

Comunícense por teléfono o correo electrónico con sus senadores, Kyrsten Sinema y Mark Kelly que quiten el ‘Filibuster’ y que aprueben La Ley Para el Pueblo.

Protege su voto en Arizona y en todo el país!

¡Si, se puede!

Pagado por People For the American Way

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About People For the American Way

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunityLearn more: