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Dobson Steps Down as Chair of Focus on the Family

Press Release
Josh Glasstetter or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way

In response to news reports that James Dobson is stepping down as the chairman of Focus on the Family, People For the American Way president Kathryn Kolbert issued the following statement:

"James Dobson may be stepping down, but he's not stepping off the field. Dobson will continue hosting his national radio show and pushing his far right agenda under the cover of folksy advice.

"Dobson has built an audience for himself in the millions and a series of organizations that pull in tens of millions of dollars each year. He presents himself as an expert on raising kids, but his real passion is for enacting the policies of the Religious Right.

"Dobson and Focus fervently support failed abstinence-only sex ed programs, destructive bans on same-sex marriage and adoption, and efforts to undermine fundamental constitutional rights like privacy and church-state separation. Regardless of where Dobson appears on the organizational chart, he and Focus will continue their assault on Americans' liberties."

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