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Americans Tell Congress, "Let's Move On"

As Congress continues down the path toward action on impeachment that puts it sharply at odds with the will of the American people, thousands of Americans are struggling to make their mainstream views heard in Washington. Their message is the same one they have delivered in every public opinion poll for months and in the voting booths on November 3: "Let's move on!"

Starting yesterday, tens of thousands of Americans are reaching out to touch Congress though a special toll-free number (1-877-TO-MOVEON) to urge their Member of Congress not to vote to impeach the President. By 10 a.m. this morning, West Coast time, nearly 40,000 Americans had already called 1-877-TO-MOVEON to be connected to congressional offices in Washington in order to make their voices heard against impeachment. Unknown thousands more are calling in directly, since the toll-free line has been tied up handling the enormous volume of calls pouring into the Capitol switchboard.

"Americans keep saying they want Congress to move on from impeachment and get back to doing the people's work, but Congress keeps ignoring them," said Carole Shields, People For the American Way's President. "Now the people are coming together on the internet and over the phones to try - once again -- to get Congress to hear and follow their wishes."

The toll-free number 1-877-TO-MOVEON was set up by People For the American Way as part of its $2 million pre-election ad campaign to give Americans fed up with Congress' continuing obsession with impeachment a way to get Congress to make their voices heard.

The number is being made available for three days this week, Wednesday through Friday, through Working Assets, which is working in conjunction with Censure and Move On (, the largest anti-impeachment internet organizing group. Censure and Move On has collected over 350,000 petition signatures against impeachment and is continuing to forward tens of thousands of email messages from its online members to their members of Congress.

Both People For and are using their web sites and email to encourage Americans to call Congress and make their views known.