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Americans Mobilize for Constitutional Amendment to Restore Our Democracy on Second Anniversary of Citizens United

Miranda Blue or Justin Greenberg
People For the American Way


The January 21st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s flawed decision in Citizens United v. FEC marks two years of unchecked, often

undisclosed corporate and special interest money in our elections. This month, progressive organizations, religious institutions, elected officials and

thousands of activists and concerned Americans across the country are taking a stand and declaring that our democracy should respond to the needs of

the 99% – and is not for sale to the highest bidder.

Under the banner of the United For The People campaign, a series of actions from grassroots

gatherings to rallies at court houses and state capitols around the country will focus attention on the grave threat posed by Citizens United

and build support for a constitutional amendment to reverse this decision. View the short video, “ Citizens United v. FEC – What it Means for Democracy” for a

comprehensive overview of the effects of unrestrained corporate influence in our elections and how Americans can fight back.

  • Segment on United For the People anniversary events on the

    Dylan Ratigan Show
    January 9th, 4 P.M. EST (live broadcast)
  • Citizens United Second Anniversary Press Briefing: The Media Consortium has organized a 1.5 hour briefing to provide reporters with sources on this campaign. See additional details below.
    January 10th, 12:30-2:00 P.M. EST. Call-in: 1-800-377-8846, Code: 33690765#
  • Occupy the Courts:

    A one-day occupation of federal courthouses across the country, including the U.S. Supreme Court, will protest the judiciary’s expansion of

    corporate personhood rights. Sponsored by Move To Amend.
    January 20th, various times
  • Occupy the Corporations:

    Local activists across the nation will ‘apprehend’ corporate imposters posing as ‘people’ who claim the same constitutional rights as individual

    citizens. Sponsored by Public Citizen.
    January 21st, various times

  • Panel Discussion: “Constitutional Remedies to Overturn Citizens United: A Movement Moment

    ”: Local and State elected officials and activists from around the country will speak about organizing to accomplish the goal of reversing Citizens United. Sponsored by People For the American Way.
    January 24th, 10:00-11:30 A.M. EST, 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building

  • Local Activist Events


    Across the nation, individual activists are hosting and joining local events being planned in their communities to highlight the need for a

    Constitutional Amendment to prevent the corporate and special interest takeover of our democracy.
  • Rallies at state capitols in California, Maryland, Massachusetts and Vermont

    supporting the passage of state resolutions to protest the Citizens United decision.
    Various times throughout the week of January 16th.

Citizens and their elected representatives have already taken official action in cities and states across the country by passing resolutions opposing

the outsized influence corporations hold in our democracy made possible by Citizens United. Local and state-wide resolutions have been introduced in

CA, CO, FL, HI, MA, ME, MI, MT, NC, NJ, NM, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, VT, WA and WI. At the federal level, 10 proposed constitutional amendments have

been introduced during the 112th Congress.

United For The People

is supported by

People For the American Way


Common Cause


Public Citizen


Free Speech For People


Center for Media and Democracy


Move to Amend


More than 50 organizations have now endorsed the anniversary events aimed at spotlighting the need to restore the democratic promise of America.


Details for the Citizens United Second Anniversary Press Briefing

What: Press Briefing regarding actions around Citizen’s United Second Anniversary

When: Tuesday, January 10th, 12:30-2:00 P.M. EST

Where: Conference Call: 1-800-377-8846, Participant Code: 33690765#

A number of advocacy groups, in response to the US Supreme Court’s

Citizens United

ruling, have come together to form the United for the People coalition. Leading up to the second anniversary of the CU ruling on January 21, United

for the People is planning a series of actions, plus a concerted effort to begin a campaign for a constitutional amendment to overturn the ruling.

The Media Consortium has organized a 1.5 hour briefing in order to provide reporters with sources on this campaign. Reporters do not have to be

with Media Consortium outlets to attend the briefing.

12:30 Introduction by Marge Baker of PFAW on the United for the People campaign

12:35 David Cobb of Move to Amend on Occupy the Courts, taking place on January 20

12:45 Aquene Freechild of Public Citizen on Occupy the Corporations, taking place on January 21

12:55 Doug Clopp of Common Cause on their National Voter Instruction Campaign

1:05 Jeff Clements of Free Speech for People and Marge Baker of PFAW on plans to push for a constitutional amendment

1:20 Lisa Graves of Center for Media and Democracy to offer more resources–who reporters can contact for legal analysis, DC insider

analysis, etc.

1: 25 Media questions for any of the speakers
