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African American Ministers in Action Reject Divisiveness of 'The Call: Detroit'

Press Release
Miranda Blue or Justin Greenberg
People For the American Way
Phone number:

On Friday, Nov. 11, right-wing activist Lou Engle and the group Transformation Michigan will host The Call: Detroit, a prayer rally whose stated
purpose is to convert Muslims to Christianity to prevent what Transformation Michigan calls “the advance of the enemy.”

When speaking with mainstream news outlets, The Call: Detroit’s organizers have attempted to downplay their anti-Muslim rhetoric, painting the
rally as an inclusive gathering for people of faith to pray for Detroit’s depressed economy. However,Engle and Transformation Michigan’s statements to supporters show that The Call will present something much more harmful and divisive: an attempt to stir up misunderstanding and fear of Detroit and Dearborn’s Muslim
populations while promoting a view of government exclusively by and for conservative Christians.

Rev. Charles Williams II, Pastor of Detroit’s Historic King Solomon Baptist Church and a member of People For the American Way's African
American Ministers in Action

, urged people of faith to reject the divisive and politically charged extremism of The Call, and to join together in prayer for a future that
lifts up all the people of Michigan, regardless of faith and ethnicity.

“All of us in Detroit have been praying hard for the future of our city and everyone in it,” said Rev. Williams. “We need to keep on praying and
we need to keep on working hard for economic and social justice that lifts up every person, rich and poor. What we don’t need is more divisiveness and

"Religious leaders who support this event should really take a look at what its undertones are all about. As a Christian pastor I support prayer, but
not to bash another religion, nor to hide behind the subterfuge of political gamesmanship.

“Our Muslim neighbors in Detroit and Dearborn want the same things that all of us want – jobs to support our families and the freedom to live our lives
as we choose. Those like Rev. Engle who come into the state stir up fear about a mythical ‘Muslim takeover’ and set us against each other, distract
from the real problems that we face. We can’t face our problems and lift ourselves up if we are busy tearing each other down. Let’s work, and pray,
together for the future of our city.”

More information about The Call: Detroit is available at People For the American Way’s Right Wing Watch:
