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Supreme Court

Martin Sheen Calls Out Ron Johnson For Putting Partisanship Ahead of the Constitution

Press Release
Laura Epstein or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

In a robocall released today by People For the American Way, Wisconsinites are hearing from Martin Sheen about Senator Ron Johnson’s obstruction of President Obama’s judicial nominees. The recording, which is being delivered to activists in Wisconsin, asks voters to contact Senator Johnson and demand that he fulfill his constitutional duty to give fair consideration to President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court.

“There’s no question that Senator Johnson is putting partisanship above the Constitution,” said Marge Baker, Executive Vice President at People For the American Way. “The Supreme Court shouldn’t be held hostage to the same partisan gridlock that’s brought Congress to a halt. Ron Johnson should stop playing politics with the law and make clear that he’ll push for the Senate to give fair consideration to President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. We’re thrilled that Martin Sheen is willing to lend his voice to this campaign, and we’re looking forward to working with our activists to hold GOP senators accountable for their obstruction.”

You can listen to the call here:

A transcript of the recording reads:

Hi, I’m Martin Sheen, calling on behalf of People For the American Way.

Our Constitution is very clear about what happens when a vacancy occurs on the Supreme Court. It says the President shall nominate a new judge, and that the Senate will give that nominee fair consideration.

As you’ve heard, Republicans are playing politics with our Constitution and with the Supreme Court. Senator Ron Johnson has said he doesn’t think that Congress should even give a fair hearing to anyone nominated by President Obama.

That’s irresponsible, and it puts partisanship above the law.

Call Senator Johnson at (202) 224-5323, and tell him you expect him to put his Constitutional duties first—and give fair consideration to President Obama’s nominee.

People For the American Way is a progressive advocacy organization founded to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values including free expression, religious liberty, equal justice under the law, and the right to meaningfully participate in our democracy.
