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PFAW Releases Spanish-Language GOTV Radio Ad in Virginia

Press Release
Laura Epstein or Layne Amerikaner
People For the American Way
Phone number:

With Election Day two weeks away in Virginia, People For the American Way (PFAW) today launched a Spanish-language radio ad covering Northern Virginia including the pivotal State Senate District 29 that encourages voters to cast a ballot against GOP extremism on Election Day. The ad focuses on how Latino voters in Virginia have the first chance to stand against that the anti-immigrant rhetoric from Donald Trump and the Republican Party on a national and local level.

PFAW Political Director Randy Borntrager explained:

“Virginia voters have the first opportunity in the country to push back against the immigrant bashing from Donald Trump and the Republican Party as a whole by turning out to vote against Republicans come Election Day 2015.”

PFAW Coordinator of Political Campaigns Carlos A. Sanchez added:

“By highlighting in Spanish how local and national Republican politicians from Ken Cuccinnelli to Donald Trump have demonized immigrants, our ad urges voters to stand up against them by going to the polls on November 3rd.”

The ad is part of PFAW’s Latinos Vote! program and will run through Election Day in Northern Virginia, encompassing the critical State Senate District 29. In addition to the radio ad, civil rights icon and PFAW board member Dolores Huerta will be traveling to Virginia at the end of October as part of our efforts get out the vote among Latino voters in Virginia.

Listen to the ad, in Spanish, here:



MAMÁ: Pásame la sal. Ahora sí mi'jita. A votar.

HIJA: Ay mom, what for?

MAMÁ: ¿Cómo que para qué? Para empezar, para callarle la bocota a Trump.

HIJA: Really?

MAMÁ: Claro que really. ¿O a poco estás de acuerdo con lo que dice de los hispanos?

HIJA: You know I don't.

MAMÁ: Y a ver ¿Quieres que tus hijos tengan pre-school, que reciban una buena educación y que puedan ir a la universidad por un costo razonable?

HIJA: Of course I do.

MAMÁ: Pues decisiones como estas son las que estás apoyando con tu voto. Por eso tenemos que votar por los demócratas. Y más cuando son elecciones locales.

MAMÁ: Porque Trump no es el único. Los Republicanos de Virginia han propuesto rastrear a los inmigrantes como si fueran paquetes y hasta nos han comparado con ratas.

HIJA: Unbelievable.

MAMÁ: Sí. Por eso hay que votar demócrata y en contra de Trump y los Republicanos, mi'ja. El 3 de noviembre.

HIJA: Mom, you are right. We have to vote.

VO DISCLAIMER: Este anuncio fue pagado por People for the American Way.

English Translation:

MOM: Pass me the salt.  Time to vote, mi'jita.*

DAUGHTER: Oh, what for mom?

MOM: What do you mean what for? For starters, to shut Trump's big mouth.


MOM: Yeah, "really". Or do you agree with what he says about Hispanics?

DAUGHTER: You know I don't.

MOM: And tell me: Do you want your children to have pre-school, that they get a good education and are able to attend college for a cost that’s reasonable?

DAUGHTER:  Of course I do

MOM: Well, these are the kind of decisions you are supporting with your vote. That's why we have to vote for the democrats. And even more in local elections.

MOM: Because Trump is not the only one. Republicans in Virginia have proposed tracking immigrants like packages and even compared us to rats! 

DAUGHTER: Unbelievable.

MOM: Yes. That’s why we have to vote for Democrats and say NO to Trump and the Republicans mi'ja. On November 3rd.

DAUGHTER: Mom, you are right. We have to vote.

VO DISCLAIMER: People For the American Way sponsored this ad.

*Mi'jita is an expression/short for "my little daughter"
