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PFAW Spanish-Language Ads Challenge Tillis in North Carolina

Press Release
Layne Amerikaner or Drew Courtney
People For the American Way
Phone number:

Today People For the American Way (PFAW) launched a new Spanish-language TV ad highlighting North Carolina Senate candidate Thom Tillis’s alarming track record on education and the minimum wage. The ad will air starting today in Charlotte, Greensboro, and Raleigh.

PFAW is also beginning an expanded push of a Spanish-language radio ad calling out Tillis’s positions on healthcare, education, and tax breaks for the rich.

“Thom Tillis has been on the wrong side of issues important to many North Carolina Latino voters,” said Randy Borntrager, Political Director of People For the American Way. “He has spoken out against raising the minimum wage, harmed the state’s education budget, and bragged about blocking health coverage for hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians. We want to make sure that on Election Day, voters know what Thom Tillis is all about.”

According to the most recent census data, roughly nine percent of North Carolina’s residents identify as Latino or Hispanic. Though relatively small in number, Latino voters may play a decisive role in a close Senate race where every vote counts.

This ad push is the latest in People For the American Way’s multi-year, nationwide campaign to engage Latino voters in key states by shedding light on the agendas of GOP candidates on issues ranging from immigration to education to the environment. PFAW also recently began running Spanish-language ads in Georgia and Colorado.

The script of the TV ad reads:

El republicano Thom Tillis no respeta los valores de nuestra comunidad.

Cortó 500 mil millones de dolares del presupuesto para la educación de nuestros hijos.

Dijo que era “peligroso” levantar el sueldo mínimo aunque somos una comunidad trabajadora.

¡Republicanos como Thom Tillis nos siguen bloqueando oportunidades, y esa falta de respeto no la permitiremos!

El 4 de noviembre votaremos contra Thom Tillis.

People For the American Way es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.

English translation:

Republican Thom Tillis doesn’t respect the values of our community.

He cut the education budget for our children by half a billion dollars.

He said it was “dangerous” to raise the minimum wage even though we’re a hardworking community.

Republicans like Thom Tillis keep blocking opportunities for us, and that kind of disrespect we will not allow!

On November 4th, we are voting against Republican Thom Tillis.

People For the American Way is responsible for the content of this advertising.
