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Far-right Extremism

Will GOP leaders share a stage with one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-gay men in America?

Press Release
Drew Courtney or Miranda Blue
People For the American Way
Phone number:

PFAW Calls on Values Voter Summit Speakers to Denounce Fischer’s Extremism

This weekend (Sept. 17-19), conservative luminaries including Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachman, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, and 2012 presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and Mike Pence, will be speaking at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit. Sharing the stage with them will be the American Family Association’s Director of Issue Analysis Bryan Fischer. Fischer has an AFA-sponsored radio program, which he uses to spout anti-gay and anti-Muslim propaganda. (The AFA is also a sponsor of the Summit).

“Reasonable people can, and do, have reasonable differences of opinion. Bryan Fischer is not a reasonable person,” said Michael B. Keegan, President of People For the American Way.

“By sharing a stage with Fischer, public figures like Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Mike Pence, Bob McDonnell, and Michele Bachmann don’t necessarily endorse Fischer’s shameless anti-Muslim and anti-gay propaganda—but they do acknowledge its credibility. Any candidate thinking seriously of running for president in 2012 should think twice about standing alongside a man who has called for the deportation of all Muslims in America; insulted Muslim servicemembers; claimed that brave Americans died in vain because Iraq was not converted to Christianity; and called gay people deviants, felons, pedophiles, and terrorists. Bryan Fischer is no mainstream conservative. And neither is any person who shares a platform with him while refusing to denounce his hate-filled propaganda.”

People For’s blog has tracked Fischer’s career over the past several years. His long and prolific record of hate speech and extremism includes the following recent statements:

On American Muslims:

On Gays and Lesbians:

On Hispanic Americans:

On President Obama:

On the Animal Kingdom:
